
パワーハウス・ブックスThe PowerHouse Books

1995年に設立され、アートや写真を取り扱うインディー出版会社の「パワーハウス・ブックス,」が、待ちに待ったそのドアを開いたのが2006年。約950平方メートルあるショールームと書店スペースを持つそこは、In 2006, PowerHouse Books, an independent publisher of art and photography books founded in 1995 opened it’s doors to the waiting public.通りがかりの人も音楽好きも同じようにして、写真とアートの融合した魅力ある世界へと招いてくれる。1995年に立ち上がったその会社は、アートと写真本ジャンルの再定義を目論み、著名と無名両アーティストとのコラボレーションを行った。リロイ・ニーマン、ヘレン・レヴィット、マグナム・フォト、ダニー・ライアン等の作品が、対する新人のジャメル・シャバズブギークリストフ・バンガートピーター・サザーランド等と並んでいる。




The PowerHouse Books
住所:37 Main Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201
時間:10:00〜19:00/土・日 11:00〜19:00
TEL:+1 718 666 3049

Text: Garry Waller
Translation: Mariko Takei
The result is a 10,200 square foot showroom and retail space that invites casual passers by and art aficionados alike into a fascinating world of eclectic photography and art. The company which was founded in 1995 has aimed to redefine the art and photography book genre by collaborating with both established artists as well as previously unknown ones. LeRoy Neiman, Helen Levitt, Magnum Photos, Danny Lyon sit alongside relative newcomers such as Jamel Shabazz, Boogie, Christoph Bangert, and Peter Sutherland.

The arena itself has become a hot spot creative ventures within the artist community; Hosting exhibitions, parties, and live performances ever since it arrived in Dumbo. But even if it’s just the books you’re after, it’s a great opportunity to see a fascinating and diverse range of work. I’ve spent a fair amount of time in the arena pouring over photography books and fining myself losing track of time. The large space invites people to walk around, take their time and soak it up even if you’ve no intention of buying anything. There’s also a range of magazines, cards and other designy things that could tempt the tactile senses, but for me seeing the books that make a trip to the arena worthwhile.

If you do manage to make it out the door, the neighborhood that powerHouse finds itself in is worth exploring almost as much as their books. A great setting with many historical remnants of old New York. Cobbled streets, industrial buildings, nestled between Manhattan Bridge and the iconic Brooklyn Bridge. Dumbo is an area of increasing change and has recently emerged as one of New York City’s premier arts districts. Many regular events now thrive in this historically rich part of Brooklyn and the powerHouse arena sits smack bang in the middle of it.

The powerHouse Arena and Dumbo should be a definite in terms of things to check out in New York when you’re twiddling your thumbs and need some visual stimulation!

The PowerHouse Books
Address: 37 Main Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201
Open: 10:00-19:00 / Sat&Sun 11:00-19:00
Tel: +1 718 666 3049

Text: Garry Waller
地址:37 Main Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201
时间:10:00-19:00/星期六・星期日 11:00-19:00
电话:+1 718 666 3049


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