ストアフロント・フォー・アート・アンド・アーキテクチャーStorefront for Art and Architecture

© Storefront for Art and Architecture
Storefront for Art and Architecture is a non-profit organization and was founded in 1982. Many artists, from local to international, have had exhibitions, film screening, and talks地元の新鋭アーティストから、著名なクリエイター達まで様々な面々が、エキシビジョン、講演、パフォーマンスを行っている非営利団体、ストアフロント・フォー・アート・アンド・アーキテクチャーは、1982年に創設された。
Storefront for Art and Architecture
住所:97 Kenmare Street, New York, NY 10012
TEL:+1 212 431 5795
Text: Ryo Miyamoto almost three decades in order to introduce and explore the advancement of architecture, art, and design. In 1993, Storefront created a unique gallery space as collaboration with an artist Vito Acconci and architect Steven Holl. The gallery space can be expanded by opening its walls vertically and horizontally, which can create multiple facades for artists. This unique construction removes the boundary of inside and outside which therefore, creates freedom and new obstacles for artists. People can enjoy how they interpret the structure and use it for their exhibitions.
The gallery is showing its unique minimal appearance at the middle point of SOHO’s modern and Nolita’s old-fashioned buildings. When its closing the walls, some tourists even pass by the building and do not realize that there is an art gallery in front of them. In summer time, the gallery opens all walls and throws a party with people from a various industries from all over the world. Although Storefront for Art and Architecture is not a big gallery, you can see their sincere love and respect for creation, and the point which art, design, and architecture are blended altogether.
Storefront for Art and Architecture
Address: 97 Kenmare Street, New York, NY 10012
Opening Hours: 11:00-18:00
Closed on Sunday and Monday
Tel: +1 212 431 5795
Text: Ryo Miyamoto