
レア・ギャラリーRare Gallery

レア・ギャラリーはニューヨークの精肉工場地帯のミートパッキングディストリクトに1998年創立。RARE, founded in 1998 in New York City’s meatpacking district, is dedicated to exhibiting emerging artists and to helping those artists build their careers so that they move from the emerging into the established category.新進のアーティストの作品の展示と、彼らの活動の援助をする事を目的とし、新たな確立したカテゴリーの発展を目指している。2003年、チェルシーにより大きいスペースへ移転。プロジェクトルーム、レア・プラスでは若手キュレーターとアーティストに活動の場を提供している。

Rare Gallery
住所:521 West 26th Street, New York, NY 10001
時間:火〜土 11:00〜18:00 / 月曜問い合わせ
TEL:+1 212 268 1520

Translation: Asami Miyamura
While our commitment to our artists is long-term, our scheduling allows us to introduce new artists each year. With RARE’s relocation in 2003 to a larger space in Chelsea, we also are able to provide opportunities in our project room, RARE PLUS, to up & coming curators and artists new to the marketplace.

We work with artists who emphasize process and technique, not as an end in itself, but as a way of drawing out and amplifying the content of their work. The content itself focuses on highly specific and personal issues that tie into “the big issues” in the world at large, and yet are leavened with a dose of humor.

Needless to say, the presence of the artist’s hand is a signature feature of the work we exhibit. One can readily observe the hand-made qualities, the great attention to craft and detail, the lack of slickness. This fact points up the most important quality of our artists and their work – sincerity in the approach to materials and processes as a means of expressing sincerely held beliefs and feelings.

While placing work in important collections is crucial to artists’ career growth, we also believe in nurturing appropriate relationships with the media, museums, and consultants to provide our artists with other venues for exposure. In this way, we have been able to help many of them establish careers that are national and international in scope.

Our vision encompasses work primarily in the areas of painting, drawing, object-making, and installation. While we are most attracted to art with an edge, we must feel that it will have lasting importance. Such art is rare today, but we are grateful when we find it, and we always will continue to search for it.

Rare Gallery
Address: 521 West 26th Street, New York, NY 10001
Open: Tue-Sat 11:00-18:00 / Mon by Appointment
Tel: +1 212 268 1520
地址:521 West 26th Street, New York, NY 10001
时间:星期二至星期六11:00-18:00 / 星期一联系要求
电话:+1 212 268 1520

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