プリンテッド・マターPrinted Matter

© Printed Matter
Printed Matter started out as a for-profit art space in 1976 but was later reformed as a non-profit organization which grew to be todays largest organization1976年にアートスペースとして誕生した「プリンテッド・マター」。1978年にアート系出版物のプロモーションを手掛ける非営利団体へとシフトして以来、現在では世界有数のアート系出版物を取り扱う組織へと成長。その拠点はトライベッカから始まりソーホーを経て、2001年に現在の場所であるチェルシーへと移転した。アーティストによる出版物への理解を深め、普及を促し、認識を高めることを目指している。
Printed Matter
住所:195 10th Avenue, New York, NY 1011
TEL:+1 212 925 0325
Text: Jovan Velkoski
Translation: Mariko Takei that deals with promotion of publications by artists. First located in Tribeca, they moved to SoHo in 1989 and finally to Chelsea in 2001 and 2005, where it is to today. Their aim is to foster the appreciation, dissemination, and understanding of artist’s publications.
Printed Matters hosts its public reading room to create awareness for the public and access of the artists books, with over 15,000 titles by over 5,000 international artists, which are available for viewing and purchase. In addition to the room, there is an exhibition space to showcase works by artists, both by emerging and established artists.
Printed Matters has a free consultation service for art institutions, libraries, and art professionals. They also host a wide range of educational programs such as talks, lectures and readings.
In 2006, Printed Matter initiated the annual “NY Art Book Fair” in a attempt to re-establish New York as the center of artists books. The fair became a huge hit and has grown every year, having programs such as readings, workshops, performances, and book signings.
Printed Matter
Adress: 195 10th Avenue, New York, NY 1011
Opening Hours: 11:00-19:00 (Tuesday to Wednesday till 16:00)
Closed on Sunday and Monday
Tel: +1 212 925 0325
Text: Jovan Velkoski