ペース・ウイルデンスタインPace Wildenstein

© Pace Wildenstein
ペース・ウイルデンスタインはボストンのニューベリーストリートに面した、小さなギャラリーとして1960年にオープン。From our beginnings in 1960, as a small gallery on Newbury Street in Boston to our current locations on 57th Street, West 25th Street and West 22nd Street in Chelsea, PaceWildenstein is fortunate to represent some of the great artists of the twentieth century.現在場所はチェルシーの57番街、西25丁目、西22丁目の3カ所にそれぞれあり、20世紀を代表する素晴らしいアーティストを紹介している。長年にわたり、200人以上のアーティストによる約500の展覧会を開催し、200冊以上の展覧会カタログを出版。アーティストの新しい展覧会に加え、国内外を巡回する学術的な展覧会もおこなっている。
Pace Wildenstein
住所:32 E.57th St. 2nd floor, New York, NY 10022
時間:火〜金 9:30〜18:00/日曜 10:00〜18:00
TEL:+1 212 421 3292
Over the years we have mounted nearly 500 exhibitions which have included work by over 200 artists, and published more than 200 exhibition catalogs in the process. In addition to the numerous exhibitions of artist’s new work, PaceWildenstein has curated several dozen scholarly exhibitions over the years, including several which have traveled to museums in the United States and abroad. Je Suis le Cahier: The Sketchbooks of Picasso, Grids, Dubuffet-de Kooning: The Women, Rothko-Bonnard, Earthly Forms: Arp, Calder and Noguchi are just a few examples of these projects.
PaceWildenstein is now home to many of the most significant artists and estates from the 20th century and today.
Pace Wildenstein
Address: 32 E.57th St. 2nd floor, New York, NY 10022
Open: Tue-Fri 9:30-18:00 / Sat 10:00-18:00
Tel: +1 212 421 3292
地址:32 E.57th St. 2nd floor, New York, NY 10022
电话:+1 212 421 3292
地址:534 West 25th St., New York, NY 10001
电话:+1 212 929 7000
地址:545 West 22nd St., New York, NY 10011
电话:+1 212 989 4258