
ペスケリーア・マッティウッチPescheria Mattiucci

© Pescheria Mattiucci

© Pescheria Mattiucci

In those years Napoli is a city where you can not find many new activities in restaurants or eating place. We usually eat many pizza and napolitan traditional kitchen. Pescheria Mattiucci is a new good idea最近のナポリでは、レストランや飲食店と言っても特に目新しいものは無くなってしまった。大抵、ピザか定番の郷土料理を提供している。 そんな中、最近ナポリの中心地に出来た「ペスケリーア・マッティウッチ 」では、新しい試みが行われている




ペスケリーア・マッティウッチ は、火・木・金曜日の夜には、まるで女性が普段着からよそ行きのドレスへと着替えるように、がらりと変身する。旬の魚介類をふんだんに使った料理や様々なワインが提供されるレストランへと様変わりするのである。

店内にはジャズが流れ、実はそこが魚屋なのだ、ということを忘れてしまいそうになる。 さらに今後、ミラノやロンドンに新店舗を構える予定だという。

Pescheria Mattiucci
住所:Vico Belledonne a Chiaia 27, 80121 Napoli
TEL:+39 081 2512215

Text: Jiolahy – Chiara Boscotrecase
Translation: Yuki Mine
in the heart of the city. They sell good fresh fish and organize some appetizer or they cook them directly at your home. Not only a “pescheria”, but a new way to buy and taste wonderfull fish, to speak about how to prepare it and to meet some nice people loving their work.

Behind the fish counter, at the back of men in apron, weighing up, measuring and explaining, a chef, Diego Simonetti, busies himself from early morning. In effect, the kitchen is in the fish shop itself; the cook kingdom and the triumph of fish, where they slice it, roll it up, wrap it up in herbs, vegetables and, even, in salami and cold meats.

There, ready to cook meals are prepared. You can take them away and cook easily at home, or you can ask them to be cooked there for you. From Tuesday to Saturday, at lunch time, you can even eat them on-the-spot. On request, chef Simonetti is also available for your special dinners and aperitifs for ten up to fifteen people directly at your home.

On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays night, the fish shop Mattiucci changes its clothes, like a lady ready to sip wine and taste raw fish. The chef adorns the place with dishes of seafood, red tuna and swordfish, squids and prawns, and many others. A fridge shows white, red and sparkling wine selections.

You have them both in the fish shop, among jazz music and a chat with your friends.

Pescheria Mattiucci
Address: Vico Belledonne a Chiaia 27, 80121 Napoli
Tel: +39 081 2512215

Text: Jiolahy – Chiara Boscotrecase
地址:Vico Belledonne a Chiaia 27, 80121 Napoli
电话:+39 081 2512215


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