
フランチェスカ・ミニニFrancesca Minini

フランチェスカ・ミニニ・ギャラリーは、若手イタリア人アーティストや国際的アーティストの調査に余念がない。2006年2月、60年代のイタリアンデザインや建築に焦点を当てた、リカルド・プレヴィディFrancesca Minini gallery is developing a research on Italian and international artists of a young generation. They opened on February 2006 with a solo show of Riccardo Previdiの個展で幕を開けた。二番手のビデオアーティストのパオロ・チアセラは、ゴッホ、エッシャー、ブリューゲルの3人のアーティストの作品を用いて、三部作を手がけた。2006年最後のショーはダニエル・ビュレンとジャン・デ・コックのコラボレーションにより、3つのギャラリーで実施され、特にブレシアのショーは好評を得た。2007年は、アレッサンドロ・セレロリの黒くミステリアスな発泡スチロールの洞窟の個展を手始めに、9月にはデボラー・リゴリオのイタリア人クリエーターや建築家たちのスペシャルビデオを上映、年末にはアーミン・ボヘムが宗派や宗教的テーマについての絵画シリーズを発表した。

Francesca Minini
住所:Via Massimiano 25, 20134 Milano
TEL:+39 02 26924671

Translation: Kazunari Hongo
who involves space and light in his installations referring to italian design and architecture from the 60’s.

The second was Paolo Chiasera, a video artist, who presented a trilogy about three artists of the past: Vincent Van Gogh, Cornelius Escher and Pieter Breughel, showing the impossibility, for a contemporary artist, to imitate these important figures of the past.

Gabriele Picco, in May, presented a series of paintings and a complex sculpture creating a stage of the absurd where lonely and deformed characters throw an allucinated look on the contemporary world.

The starting point is the rationalist architecture of La Casa del Fascio built by Giuseppe Terragni in the 30’s where the two artists worked together between the outside and the inside of the building. In my gallery the exterior intervention on the facade of De Cock gave the starting point for Buren to develop his pictorial installation inside the space.
In Brescia finally the ‘Denkmal’ of Jan De Cock occupied completely the gallery and Buren opened it making it bigger and transforming the space through mirrors.

First show in 2007 is a solo show of Alessandro Ceresoli, who will create a styrofoam cave in my gallery to show is black and misterious black drawings, Derek Rowleiei, corean artist and Francesco Simeti will present a double show in March and in May Ghada Amer will transform the gallery space into a special ‘lounge’ were italians and arabs will have the possibility to talk about and confrontate their different cultures and thoughts.

In September Deborah Ligorio presented a special video on the italian craters and the urban architecture around them. At the end of 2007 Armin Bohem, presents a new series of paintings about sects and religious themes.

Francesca Minini
Address: Via Massimiano 25, 20134 Milano
Tel: +39 02 26924671
Francesca Minini
地址:Via Massimiano 25, 20134 Milano
电话:+39 02 26924671


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