
ユージニア・リムEugenia Lim

© Quino Holland

© Quino Holland

A Melbourne-based multidisciplinary artist, director and editor, Eugenia Lim holds a fine curation of knowledge for the city she resides in. Passionate about unique work and original thinking, the Melbourne landscape isメルボルンに拠点を構え、ディレクター、そして編集者といった様々な分野で活動するアーティスト、ユージニア・リムは、彼女が長く住む都市に捧げる様々な知識を取り込んだキュレーションを見せてくれる。個性的な仕事や独創的な考え方を強く求め続ける彼女にとって、メルボルンは作品制作のための多くのインスピレーション、影響を与えてくれる理想的な環境だ。



私自身「はい」と答えるのが非常に得意ですが、「いいえ」と答えることは苦手です。はい、これらの多くの役割には多くの影響を与え合っているポイントがあります。やりたいと思っている全てのことをするには時間が足りませんが、メール、執筆、演習、作品のアイディア、フェスティバルのスケジュールについて考えるなど、ときにはリラックスする時間を取りながらいつも奔走しています。私のTO DOリストには終わりがなく、なぜそれらを初めてしまったのかわかりませんが、それらは全て私が好きなことばかりで、あきらめてしまいたいものは一つもありません。














Text: Joanna Kawecki
Translation: Satsuki Miyanishi
an ideal and constant inspiration and influence for her ongoing creations.

Eugenia is also the city’s connector, communicating insight through her online publication and leading an emerging video arts festival, all alongside her own performance art. She is a visionary and graceful creative yet to be reckoned with, and perfect to question on her city’s highlights…

You are an editor, performance artist and director of an arts festival – do these interests find a mutual crossing, or are you simply fantastic at prioritising?

I am very good at saying yes and terrible at saying no! Yes, there’s definitely cross-pollination between all my roles and not enough hours in the day to, but most days will find me in a mild or maximum state of panic, trying to answer emails, write, edit, think about art, schedule for the festival. My to do lists never get done, I’m not sure why I keep starting them. But at the same time I’m doing exactly what I love and there’s nothing I’d give up.

What is your favourite space to visit on your day off in Melbourne?

Probably Heide Museum of Modern Art. It’s the experience of different eras of architecture, from Victorian weatherboard, to the modernist home of the Reeds, to the contemporary zinc of Heide III and the compact but strong exhibitions on show. Plus I love the experience of walking between the different spaces and taking in the grounds and garden. I also love a sneaky pastry or cake at the café, but I always get it take away as it’s way too busy in there! I sit on the grass to
enjoy my sugar-hit between art viewing.

In your opinion, which galleries are showing great emerging works in Melbourne?

I’ve been enjoying watching a fair bit of contemporary dance and performance lately (I really enjoy this as it makes me think about all the elements: sound, performance, lighting, costumes, set design, and the “total experience”), so I’d say spaces like Dancehouse, the Meat Market and festivals like Next Wave and Dance Massive are where I go for those experiences. Artist-run spaces like West Space, Bus, Rear View and Screen Space are ones I try to get to for emerging and engaging work by local, national and international artists.

Which artists should we keep an eye on?

Artists working at the intersection of performance, dance and the visual are really interesting me at the moment. Sydney artist Justin Shoulder is incredible: I saw his performance work “The River Eats” at Next Wave last year and it was the most immersive, funny, spectacular and striking work about “the internet” that I have ever seen and perhaps may ever see. Atlanta Eke is a Melbourne performer whose work “Monster Body” was the bravest, fiercest work I’ve ever seen. She simultaneously destroyed and created a new ideas of performance, feminism and the body. Wow.

As the editor of an environmental and architecture-focussed online publication, what is the most unique architecture in Melbourne?

In my humble opinion, it would be Sean Godsell’s RMIT Design Hub. The scale of the internal spaces is just incredible. Impossibly-tall and narrow entrances and elegant views from down or up into other levels. The materials and form achieve a fine balance is between the industrial and the elegant. The photovoltaic cell skin of the building automates sun-shading, and are “future-proofed” to be able to be upgraded as solar technology evolves so that the building can one day generate enough electricity to run itself. It’s an outstanding and elegant example of when good design and environmentally sustainable design coexist.

Is there a ‘hidden secret’ that you can share with us?

Mine and Chips’ secret spot is the grass velodrome in front of the Heller st apartments by Six Degrees. She runs her “crazy eights” around it like she was born to do.

Melbourne is known for its brilliant coffee. Where is your favourite spot?

Every week there’s a new place for a good cup! I can’t keep up, so that’s why I will always love Newtown, an ongoing favourite of mine on Brunswick St. Jake and Andrew make what I call “Best Muesli” (short for Best Muesli in the World) and delicious coffees always served with wit and panache. Twice a week, I go in and read their newspapers, chat about netball (I’m terrible at sports but am interested when other people are athletic!), eat Best Muesli and plan my day.

Text: Joanna Kawecki

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