クラフト・ヴィクトリアCraft Victoria

© Craft Victoria
If you look closely you will notice the vibrant colours protracting from a downstairs lair, from a basement space filled with contemporary artistic delights. This is Craft Victoria, an artistic space established in 1970近くで覗いてみると、階下にある隠れ家や同時代に存在する芸術的歓喜に満ちた地下の空間から発せられる輝かしい精彩に気づくだろう。クラフト・ヴィクトリアは、1970年に設立された芸術的空間であり、メルボルンのアートシーンに重要な空間、はたまたスウェーデンのイケアのようでもある。
Craft Victoria
住所:31 Flinders Lane, Melbourne
TEL:+61 3 9650 7775 / 31
Text: Joanna Kawecki
Translation: Hiroko Nakagawa and has remained as relevant to the art scene in Melbourne as Ikea is to the Swedes.
In fact, they once hosted an exhibition from Adam Cruickshank where hundreds of Ikea pencils were sculpted into a spectacular headdress. Such is the diversity of exhibitions presented, from the memorable Chicks on Speed to P.A.M. in collaboration with the undefinable BLESS.
Alongside their gallery space there is a shopfront, containing pieces of the highest craftsmanship. Jewellery, textiles, wooden and ceramic homewares, and publications. There is no doubt you will find something unique and unheard of. Hosting a quarterly market Craft Haft and a further series of workshops, it is a staple in the Melbourne art community, supporting creativity, experimentation and professionalism in craft, art and design.
Craft Victoria contains a rich and spectacular tier of 200+ emerging Australian designers and craftsmen. If in doubt with who’s leading the cultural and artistic landscape in Melbourne, head here.
Craft Victoria
Address: 31 Flinders Lane, Melbourne
Opening Hours: 10:00-17:00 (Closed on Sunday)
Tel: +61 3 9650 7775 / 31
Text: Joanna Kawecki