居酒屋 伝Izakaya Den

© Izakaya Den
Down the unassuming stairs that continue from Andrew Chiodo’s menswear Chiodo, you find Izakaya Den. A young establishment, nevertheless confidently understated and perfectly ambitiousチオドのブティック横の、静かな階段を降りた先にある「IZAKAYA DEN」。チオドが入る予定だった地味な場所を大胆に演出したこの店は、メルボルンの隠れスポットの中でも一線を画す存在だ。新しい店だが、落ち着いた雰囲気の中に熱い思いが感じられる。
店に入るとオーナーであるサイモン氏、中原氏、近江氏が温かく迎えてくれる。3人はそれぞれ、メルボルンで「VERGE」「KUNI」「YU-U」を経営しており、「IZAKAYA DEN」では彼らの得意とする和食に地元の調理法を取り入れている。
巻物の形をしたメニューには、キングフィッシュの刺身、ニンニク醤油のスパイシーまぐろのたたき、ジンジャー・クレーム・ブリュレなど、洋食をミックスした和食が食欲をそそる。独自で輸入してる酒や焼酎は、奈良美智とgrafのコラボ「AtoZ cup」で出される。モダンで慎ましやかな店のスタイルは、質素な日本文化を好む者には最高だ。
洗練されたデザイン、すばらしい創作料理、そして温かなおもてなし。日本料理と東京のライフスタイルを肌で感じられる「IZAKAYA DEN」は、毎晩でも通いたくなる誘惑でいっぱいだ。
Izakaya Den
住所:Basement, Hero Building, 114 Russell Street, Melbourne
営業時間:ランチ 12:00〜14:30, ディナー 17:30〜01:00
TEL:+61 3 9654 2977
Text: Joanna Kawecki
Translation: Chihiro Miyazaki. Previously a location for Choido struts, it is a conservative by nature, yet bold creation that lives up to its unexpectations. Amongst the many hidden gems in Melbourne, Izakaya Den is a rare diamond.
With a devotion to discretion and subtlety, you are promptly greeted upon arrival by owners Simon Denton, Miyuki Nakahara and Takashi Omi. Respectfully renowned Melbourne restauranteurs in their own right, Simon from Verge, Miyuki from Kuni and Takashi from Yu-u, have combined their in-depth knowledge of eastern food and culture with a hint of local flavour; its safe to say that you are in safe hands.
Perfect for those carrying a penchant for the humble Japanese lifestyle of fine food, drink and relaxed culture; simply combine the modesty and calm of Tokyo Story with the unargued sophistication of an Akira Kurosawa film, and you find the perfect mix in Izakaya Den. The menu is beautifully presented in large rolls of bilingual scrolls, holding the unique solutions for the buds of taste in Japanese sake, plum wine umeshu, shochu, particularly noting the Yoshitomo Nara x Hideki Toyoshimi ‘Graf’ A-Z cup sake, and an extensive beer list. Many of them exclusively imported, the level of suitable drinks match the equally impressive list of accompanying tapas. The Japanese-Western infused menu features kingfish sashimi, spicy tuna tataki with garlic and soy, and a divine ginger crème brulée just to name a few; the undeniably perfect portions going hand in hand with lively conversation and good company.
A pleasantly vibrant space, showcasing sophistication with simplicity in its design. A highlight in the impressive portfolio of Melbourne’s leading architectural firm DentonCorkerMarshall, Izakaya Den is a unique and strategically simplistic example of clever design and interior. Perhaps DCM’s most ingenious design solution and one that contributes hugely to its openness and life-filled demeanor is the wall-aligned tables, front-row bar seats and the tactfully placed pièce de résistance; a delightfully overwhelming mirror providing the illusion of an ever-continuous evening.
Design sophistication, intelligent fusions and genuine service encompass this unique establishment in Melbourne’s CBD. Simon Denton’s Izakaya Den will most importantly give you the unique taste of Japan and the Tokyo lifestyle, one to definitely hit up on any given night.
Izakaya Den
Address: Basement, Hero Building, 114 Russell Street, Melbourne
Opening Hours: Lunch 12:00-14:30, Evenings 17:30-01:00
Closed on Sunday (Saturday and Sunday for Lunch)
Tel: +61 3 9654 2977
Text: Joanna Kawecki