カイシャ・フォルム・マドリードCaixa Forum Madrid

© Caixa Forum Madrid
The capital of Spain has always been a city determined to achieve a good cultural offer whether it is about contemporary art. This is exactly what “El Triángulo De Oro”スペインの首都マドリードは常に「それは現代美術かどうか」という文化的質を決定づける都市であり、それこそが「黄金の三角形」(El Triángulo De Oro)との異名をとる所以である。マドリードの中心部には広大な並木街路「パセオ・デル・プラド」が位置し、プラド美術館やティッセン・ボルネミッサ美術館、ソフィア王妃芸術センターへのアクセスもよい立地だ。2008年、この華やかな文化的エリアの並びに新しく仲間入りしたのがカイシャ・フォルム・マドリード。このコンテンポラリーアートに特化した施設は、年代を問わず市民権の利益である伝統と新しい文化の獲得を通じ、社会における新しい文化価値を高めるための展覧会を開催するソーシャル・カルチャーの拠点である。
Caixa Forum Madrid
住所:Paseo del Prado, 36 28014 Madrid
TEL:+34 91 330 7300
Text: Victor Moreno
Translation: Aya Shomura – The Golden Triangle – stands for. Located in the magnificent Paseo del Prado in the centre of Madrid, this is an area where it is possible to get access to Museo Del Prado, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza and Museo Reina Sofía within walking distance of each other. In 2008 a new addition to this flamboyant cultural area arrived in the neighbourhood, CaixaForum Madrid.This contemporary art institution is a multicultural space with temporary exhibitions dedicated to boost new cultural values in our society. Heritage and new cultural acquisitions are in the benefit of the citizenship.
In 2001 La Caixa acquired the formerly power station in the Mediodia area of Madrid, whose industrial building was one of the most valuable treasures in Madrid’s old town, architectonically speaking. This building was in ruins and isolated from the Prado area. Thus, it was reconverted into CaixaForum – bringing the central station back to life – turning the ruins into a beautiful and remarkable new space dedicated to art and people. This new architectonic project conceived by the Swiss architectural studio Herzog and de Meuron included the creation of a small plaza in front of the main entrance for every passer to enjoy. This is a beautiful part of town in the namely “Barrio de las Letras” in Madrid. This is the former neighbourhood where Spanish writers from the beginning of last century (The Golden era) used to live and hang out. Now you can hang out there too, and enjoy a vast offer with places to eat good and drink.
Apart from the two floors dedicated to exhibitions, which are divided into four different spaces, CaixaForum houses an auditorium, two conference rooms and workshop area, playground, a warehouse space, a bookstore and a restaurant, among the offices and the VIP area.
Madrid is happy to embrace this cultural and urban achievement. Furthermore, the former “Golden Triangle” adds this new vertex than turns the triangle into a rectangle, namely “The Golden Rectangle”.
Caixa Forum Madrid
Address: Paseo del Prado, 36 28014 Madrid
Opening Hours: 10:00 – 20:00
Tel: +34 91 330 7300
Text: Victor Moreno