ティッセン・ボルネミッサ美術館Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza

Photo: © Adrian Tyler
The Museum of Thyssen-Bornemisza gets its unusual name from the collection of art it acquired from the Barons of Thyssen-Bornemisza, father and son, who from the 1920s1920年代より非常に多くのアートコレクションを集めたティッセン・ボルネミッサ男爵の名前から名づけられたティッセン・ボルネミッサと呼ばれる美術館。この美術館は1992年にオープンし、以来息子の男爵の妻カルメンティッセン・ボルネミッサの美術コレクションの長期貸付金を加えながら拡大してきた。ここでは20年間、コレクションが一般公開、文化活動や教育プログラム、展覧会の開催が行われてきた。
3つのフロアから成る展示室はサーモンピンク色の壁で覆われた円形状で、小さな中庭を囲んでいる。13世紀から20世紀のものまで1,000点近くもの芸術作品を幅広く見ることができ、多くのアーティストの様々なスタイルを楽しむことができる。これは印象派やドイツ表現主義のようなティッセン・ボルネミッサ男爵の個人的な嗜好を反映した芸術だけでなく 、ルネサンス、ロマン主義、ポップアート、そして19世紀のアメリカ美術のコレクションも含まれている。
Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza
住所:Palacio de Villahermosa, Paseo del Prado 8, Madrid
入館料:一般 €9
TEL:+34 90 276 0511
Text: Michael Sullivan gradually built up an impressive number of artworks. The museum was opened in 1992 and has since expanded with the addition of the long term loan of the art collection belonging to Carmen Thyssen-Bornemisza, the wife of the younger Baron. For twenty years the museum has kept to its aims of showing its collections to the public, organising cultural activities, educational programmes and exhibitions.
The Villahermosa Palace was chosen as the location for this new museum, a building dating back to the nineteenth century, and after renovation the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza could open its doors. The entranceway is an important aspect of the renovation as in stark contrast to most museums art enthusiasts have a more serene beginning to their visit as it is off the main street and incorporates a garden. The venue was further expanded in order to accommodate the art collection of Carmen Thyssen-Bornemisza, this can be seen from the outside as a building with a white façade and includes inside new exhibition spaces, a new restoration studio, etc.
The three floors of the collections surround a small open courtyard in a circular display area with salmon coloured walls. There are close to a thousand works of art that can be seen ranging from the thirteenth to the twentieth centuries, thus different styles of many artists can be enjoyed. This includes the Renaissance, Romanticism, Pop Art, as well as art that reflect the personal tastes of the Thyssen-Bornemisza Barons like Impressionism and German Expressionism.
In addition there is a collection of nineteenth century American art. The number of religious paintings, which is to be expected, is impressive as it is even possible to trace the changing perspectives of Catholic painters and the subject of the Bible. Furthermore, the list of artists represented here is impressive, including Rembrandt, Rubens, Dali, Monet, and Van Gogh. As stated before, exhibitions are also organised here, normally for a period of two to three months focusing on styles of art during different time periods. To best present their collections the museum organises lectures, workshops, courses, concerts, guided tours and many other activities. This means that visitors can gain a better understanding of art as well as interact more fully with art, for example, targeted tours help visitors fully realise the significance of specific paintings.
To further this goal the museum is dedicated to educational programmes that bridge the gap between itself and universities, schools, and also young people. Rather uniquely the museum’s website includes an online social media section which allows the current generation of online media addicts to really interact with art. On the premises there is a cafeteria, shop and cloakroom. In addition to the museum shop there is also an online shop with different items for sale like replicas, books and jewellery. In order to support the amazing work going on here visitors can make donations, become a sponsor or friend of the museum and even volunteer to work here.
Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza
Address: Palacio de Villahermosa, Paseo del Prado 8, Madrid
Opening Hours: 10:00 – 19:00 (Closed on Monday)
Admission: General entrance €9
Tel: +34 90 276 0511
Text: Michael Sullivan