国立ソフィア王妃芸術センターMuseo Reina Sofía

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía © Photo: Jaoquín Cortés
Many journeys into Madrid end at the railway station of Atocha and so it is quite fitting that the start of your exploration of Madrid can begin nearby at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. The original building was a hospital whichマドリード内の旅のほとんどはアトーチャ駅で終焉となるため、また新たなマドリード探検の旅がここ国立ソフィア王妃芸術センターから始まると言っても過言では無いだろう。元は病院だったこの建物は1980年代から随時改築、増築を繰り返し、美術館として2005年にオープンした。結果的に、とてもシンプルな作りの、壮観でモダンな建物は美しくデザインされた空間となっている。壮大なエントランスなどは無く、道なりに歩くと左手に図書館が見えるエリアへ行き着くようになっている。右手には美術館の本館があり、吹き抜けを見上げると格子状の屋根開口部が見え、屋上のテラスからはマドリード市街や通りなど美しい景色が一望できる。
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
住所:C/ Santa Isabel 52, Madrid 28012
入館料:一般 €6
TEL:+34 91 774 1000
Text: Michael Sullivan since the 1980s has frequently been renovated and added to, culminating in the opening in 2005 of the most recent expansion. The end result is quite simply a spectacular and modern venue which is well designed and aesthetically pleasing. Rather than having one grand entrance, walking from the street leads into an large enclosed area with the library building to the left, the main building housing art to the right and above a grid like open roof. It is very impressive on first viewing, but not quite as impressive as going to the top floor terrace which allows views into Madrid and back down into the street.
The permanent collection is focused on twentieth century art divided into three different periods of time, 1900-1945, 1945-1968, and 1962-1982. This addresses three main themes of art history; the pre-World War Two society with its conflict between progress and discontentment, post-war society which became polarised between consumer America and Communist Russia, and the twenty years from 1962 which saw the widespread influence of deep rooted political, social and cultural movements. A walk through the permanent collection is a vivid reminder of how art always represents society, and thusly how society influences art. In the first collection we can see paintings by artists such as Pablo Picasso, in the second collection work by creative people like Alberto Greco and in the third collection a virtual plethora of art by artists ranging from Robert Filliou, to Nacho Criado and Concha Jerez. This museum of art also regularly hosts exhibitions in its main building, and in other buildings which form a part of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. Typically the exhibitions focus on artists and art across the spectrum of the twentieth century. In order to properly appreciate the museum’s collections and exhibitions it must be kept in mind that at least half a day is needed, however, in order to complete a more targeted trip the museum’s webpages have detailed maps showing where exactly everything is.
The museum is also dedicated to public programmes like Live Arts performances, audio-visual programmes, a study centre where students can complete postgraduate qualifications or attend seminars, as well as education programmes for a wide range of visitors. As mentioned before there is a library which is free to enter and contains a collection of special material on contemporary art and there are also several bar terraces which are perfect for relaxation and a cup of coffee. If you are in Madrid for the first time, nothing is more recommendable after getting off a train than to discover this amazing museum, its intriguing architecture and of course its art.
Please note that although general admission is €6, on certain days and times entrance is free, and it is also free for under 18s and university students. The museum’s other venues, Palacio de Cristal and Palacio de Velázquez, are free to enter.
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Address: C/ Santa Isabel 52, Madrid 28012
Admission: General entrance €6
Tel: +34 91 774 1000
Text: Michael Sullivan