国立プラド美術館Museo Nacional del Prado

© Museo Nacional del Prado
The Paseo del Prado is a beautiful street lined with trees and divided by a park like central pathway and on this road you can discover a lovely building nearly two hundred years old which houses the Museo Nacional Del Prado公園によってエリア分割された美しいプラド通り(美術館通り)には木々が立ち並び、その道沿いに美しい建物、国立プラド美術館を見つけることができる。国立プラド美術館は約200年程前に建設され、建物自体は細長く、古典的なスタイルの円柱と多数の彫像があり、17世紀の有名なスペイン人画家ディエゴ・ベラスケスの彫像がある。この美術館は王立美術コレクション展示のために19世紀初頭に建設され、展示のコレクションは7千6百点以上にものぼる。美術館の主旨は芸術の遺産を守ることとされ、長年作品を保持し、数百万もの美術愛好家の訪問を歓迎してきた。
Museo Nacional del Prado
住所:Paseo del Prado, 28014 Madrid
入館料:一般 €12
TEL:+34 91 330 2800
Text: Michael Sullivan. It is a long building with classical style columns and numerous statues reminiscent of Greek or Roman figures, as well as separate statues such as that of Diego Velázquez, a famous Spanish painter in the seventeenth century. Built in the early nineteenth century, it was constructed in order to house the royal collection of art and in the intervening years the collection has grown and grown to more than 7600 paintings. Some of the main aims of this museum are to protect its heritage of art and exhibit it for the public which it has successfully done for many years and literally welcomed millions of art lovers of many ages.
In the many rooms of the museum there are paintings dated from the twelfth century to the nineteenth century including the work of famous Spanish artists such as Goya and Velázquez. The development of painting styles, Spanish society and technology can be traced through the various sections that start with the Early Renaissance and pass through Baroque paintings and then into the art of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. However, the museum isn’t limited to Spanish art alone; there is an extensive collection of seventeenth and eighteenth century Italian and French art, masterpieces from German artists such as Dürer and even British art amongst others. The various floors and rooms of the Museo Nacional Del Prado are laid out so that specific national art is found together according to the time period in which it was made. This allows for a very convenient visit whether you just simply wish to walk around or view a specific kind of art. In addition the museum regularly hosts exhibitions on artists, specific artwork and themes such as miniature paintings. In most rooms there are seats to permit you to contemplate art according to your own time and properly appreciate it.
There is a library, documentation and archive department where there are over 70,000 monographs as well as periodicals on art from the Middle Ages to the nineteenth century. There are also over 3,000 boxes regarding the History of the Museum as well as a wide range of information on the Museum Collection. At all the entrances there are information centres and cloakrooms, and a shop. Café Prado, a cafeteria and restaurant, is open all year round, but the Prado Café Terrace is only open between March and October, depending on the weather. Although general entrance costs €12 on most days in the evening the permanent collection is free to see, and children or students also can enter for free. The Museo Nacional Del Prado represents one of the foundation stones of art in Spain and no visit to Madrid can be complete without experiencing the thick artistic atmosphere of its rooms and halls.
Museo Nacional del Prado
Address: Paseo del Prado, 28014 Madrid
Opening Hours: 10:00-20:00 (Sunday and Holiday till 19:00)
Admission: General entrance €12
Tel: +34 91 330 2800
Text: Michael Sullivan