ラ・カサ・エンセンディーダLa Casa Encendida

© La Casa Encendida
In Madrid there are many beautiful tree lined streets, however, if you happen to be walking along a street called Ronda Valencia there is a buildingマドリードには、美しい木々が立ち並ぶ道がたくさんあるが、その中、バレンシア通りと呼ばれる道を歩く機会があれば、ぜひ「ラ・カサ・エンセンディーダ」へ足を運んで頂きたい。ここはマドリード信用金庫によって運営されている文化センターとして2003年より運営されており、これまで500万人以上の訪問者を迎え、1万2千以上のイベントが行われてきた。
La Casa Encendida
住所:Ronda Valencia 2, 28012 Madrid
TEL:+34 90 243 0322
Text: Michael Sullivan which you must simply enter, La Casa Encendida. From 2003 it has been run by the Obra Social Caja Madrid (Madrid Savings Bank Friendly Society) for the purpose of being a cultural centre with a diverse range of activities. Currently celebrating its tenth birthday, it has welcomed over five million visitors through its door and seen over 12,000 events take place under its roof.
This large building is free to enter and consists of five floors including the terrace; special assistance can be requested at least five days before your visit. La Casa Encendida has within its aims important concepts such as solidarity with the community of Madrid, projects with the goal of helping conserve the environment, to provide a space for cultural activities including art and literature, and education to help people gain employment.
Across the different floors there are many different things to see or do starting from the basement. At the bottom of the building there are exhibition rooms, an auditorium and an audiovisual room, the frequent exhibitions that take place can be found here and in the ground floor where there are other exhibition rooms. They are surprisingly spacious with many attendants on hand in case of any questions regarding the art on show.
On the ground floor there is also an information centre, a free trade shop and the courtyard which is a unique feature of this structure. Located in the centre of the building this is an open space which reaches to the top of the building where a clear glass ceiling, which forms part of the terrace, allows natural light in. The first and second floors are made up of the many other rooms which contain libraries, a language lab, a photography lab, a media lab, workshops, and even a radio and sound studio. Finally, at the top of the building is the terrace where you can sit, relax and look upon Madrid. There is also an urban environment exhibit, and from the terrace you can look through the glass ceiling of the courtyard and see all the way down to the ground floor.
It is easy to see why this fascinating venue has attracted literally millions of people through its doors. On any day of the week it is possible to see an art exhibition, use the library and finish the day relaxing on the terrace. However, it is made even more special by the events that are frequently organised which can include anything from roller discos, documentary screenings, and multidisciplinary courses on Africa. La Casa Encendida is celebrating its tenth anniversary in 2013; without doubt it will still be here to celebrate its twentieth anniversary.
La Casa Encendida
Address: Ronda Valencia 2, 28012 Madrid
Opening Hours: 10:00 – 22:00
Tel: +34 90 243 0322
Admission: Free
Text: Michael Sullivan