

「ADBUSTERS」の Appetite(食欲)号で「母親の乳房から母乳を得てるときが生涯の中で一番食物の資源との距離が近く、それ以降その距離は離れる一方である」という提議を読み、思わずはっとした。I was startled by reading a proposal in Appetite edition of ‘ADBUSTERS’ saying that “Distance with resources of the first food was the closest when I got mother’s milk from the breast of hers, and it continued leaving the distance after it in a life”.普段ありとあらゆる商品に囲まれて生活していると、いつの間にかその口に入れるもの、体につけるものがどこから来るのかなんて考えなくなってしまう。広告のアピール度がモノを言う商品戦略をうけ、ついそのイメージで購入好意に走ってしまうというのが今日の消費行為の多数を占め、背後の動物実験などのネガティブな要素はキレイなパッケージに隠され、次々と新しい商品が店頭に並んでいく。

その一方で情報化社会をうまく反映し、自分に関わる世界を積極的に選択している人たちもいる。ここロサンゼルスで手作り石けんを制作し、ウェブを通して毎月個数限定で直接販売をしている高橋真木子さんもその一人。「植物学/Botanical」から名前をとった「Botanica Handmade Soap」では、動物性オイル、人工添加物などを一切使用せず、植物オイルと植物バターに天然のエッセンシャルオイルを組み合わせ、毎月新しい石けんを発表している。


Botanica Handmade Soap
住所:2305 Glendale Blvd. #203, Los Angels, CA 90039

Text and Photos: Aya Muto from New Image Art Gallery
We live in a life with any and all of products surrounding us, and at some time or other we don’t even realize where the nutrition we put our mouths or skin are all coming from. It’s also said that a majority of today’s consumption activity is occupied by a degree of an advertisement, and those ad image are linked directly to consumer’s purchase activity. However negative elements such as animal testing behind it are all obscured by a beautiful package carelessly and new products are lining up in store one right after the other.

Reflecting this information society on the other hand, there are few people who positively choose the things which related to their own world. Ms. Makiko Takahashi from Los Angeles, CA is one of those people. She produces her original handmade soap brand and sells them only through her online shop with limited number every month, and she named it as “Botanica Handmade Soap”, which is come form the scientific word of “Botanical”. No animal oil or artificial additives are used and new products containing mixed plant oil and butter are brought out monthly.

There are many of specialized organic stores in a health-conscious city of Los Angels, and Ms. Takahashi also tried various those commercial products for her self treatment. Despite of attempts, none of products fit her skin well and she eventually decided to make her own organic products for herself.
It was a natural process for her to create such a DIY (Do It Yourself) concept as all of us now can see from her ease but scenically changed background inspired by art, music and fashion where she went to study for it originally.

Botanica Handmade Soap
Address: 2305 Glendale Blvd. #203, Los Angels, CA 90039

Text and Photos: Aya Muto from New Image Art Gallery
Translation: Naoko Kawaguchi
地址:2305 Glendale Blvd. #203, Los Angels, CA 90039


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