

カリフォルニア州、ヴェニスにある「826LA」は、6歳から18歳までの生徒たちの作文への想像性と解説性の向上と、それらの生徒たちに活気を与える先生たちを助ける役を買う、非営利目的団体だ。826LA in Venice CA is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting students ages 6 to 18 with their creative and expository writing skills, and to helping teachers inspire their students to write.


一夜にして文芸界にセンセーションを巻き起こした、イガースのジャンルを超えた論文、「Hearbreaking Work of Staggering Genius」から5年が経った。富と名誉は責任に変わり、降ってくる財産を、マルティーニやジャガーに費やすよりも、彼は剣を鉛筆に変えた騎士になることに専念した。読み書きができない子供たちや、テレビのコマーシャルで満足してしまう学生たちに、本や文章の書き方の紹介をアメリカ国内中で始めたのだ。 826はデイブ・イガースが持つ数々の団体の一つにすぎない。しかし、彼にとって826とは何か特別なように思われ、国内中でこうして言葉と面と向かって向き合う機会を持つ子供たちはどんどんと増えていくようだ。

このプロジェクトのゴールは、スペルテストや大学の申し込みの際の作文の向上の手助けなどによって、生徒一人一人に助言者を与えることである。 826の最初の地であるサンフランシスコでは、生徒たちの宿題の手助けや、作文のワークショップ、一年に四回発行される生徒の作品が載った文集作り、大人たちへの格安ワークショップなどの600人以上のボランティアが今までに参加してきた。


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住所:685 Venice Blvd. 2nd floor, Venice CA 90291
TEL:+1 310 305 8418

Text: Reto Caduff
Translation: Mai Kato

After 826 Valencia in San Francisco and 826NY it is the third place in the US that got set up thanks largely to the help and effort by literary wunderkind Dave Eggers.

It’s been five years since the bestselling, genre-bending memoir “A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius” made Eggers an overnight literary sensation. With fame and money comes responsibility and rather then spend his new assets on Martinis and Jaguars, Eggers decided to become a knight in shining armor with a just cause: to promote reading and writing in a country who seems mostly satisfied with 30 second sound-bites on TV and who has a dangerously high illiteracy rate. 826 is only one of many groups in the Dave Eggers empire but it seems to be very close to him and new places where kids can get challenged by words are planned to pop up all over the country.

The project’s goal has been to provide free one-on-one mentoring to students, ages 6 to 18, for a single spelling test or sharpening up an essay for a college application. The success is of staggering genius: More than 600 volunteers have taken part in the first place in San Francisco helping with homework, heading writing workshops, publishing quarterlies of the students’ work and hosting popular, paid adult workshops.

The 826 line of offerings are:

Drop-in Tutoring
826 offers one-on-one tutoring. Tutors are available at the lab and ready to help students with writing assignments, homework, English language learning, creative writing, and publishing projects.

Scores of free after-school and weekend workshops designed to foster creativity, strengthen writing skills, and provide students with a forum for executing projects they might not otherwise have the support to undertake. Workshops range from the playful to the practical, and all are taught by volunteer writers, artists, educators, and publishing professionals.

826 is committed to making sure that our students have an outlet for the wonderful material they produce. To this end, they help them publish and distribute their work, be it in their own zine, in a specially produced book, or in the 826 quarterly.

Other Programs
They support the writing community as a whole by showcasing authors’ works and by giving writers a number of opportunities to meet other writers and learn the tricks of the trade. All proceeds from these events directly fund student programming at 826LA.

826LA is a fantastic initiative that we can only hope will spread all over the country!

Address: 685 Venice Blvd. 2nd floor, Venice CA 90291
Tel: +1 310 305 8418

Text: Reto Caduff
地址:685 Venice Blvd. 2nd floor, Venice CA 90291
电话:+1 310 305 8418


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