

ロサンゼルスのクラブ・シーンを拠点にVJとして活動の場を広げるビジュアル・パフォーマンス・グループ「コラボ (COLLABO) 」。Based in the club scene in LA, COLLABO is a visual performance group who explores their expression as VJs. All the 12 members are graduated from the art school at UCLA.メンバーは全員「カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校 (UCLA) 」の芸術学部の卒業生から成り、その人数は12人にも及ぶ。芸術を基礎から学び、さらには気心の知れたメンバーからなるコラボレーションによるパフォーマンスは他のVJには見られないバライエティとユニークさがある。彼らはこれまでにロサンゼルス最大のイベント「HARD」フェスティバルをはじめ、著名なDJと共に毎晩のようにクラブ・シーンを盛り上げている。


コラボ」は他の多くのVJとは違い、私たちは自身をビジュアル・パフォーマンス・アーティストと位置づけます。メンバーは12人以上で、プログラミング、アニメーション、およびモーション・グラフィックスにおけるプロフェッショナル集団です。メンバーによるテクスチャーやグラフィクのコラボレーションはインタラクティブでユニークなスタイルを確立させます。私たちはロサンゼルスで常にビデオカメラと共に過ごしながら映像表現に対する創作をつづけています。また、今までに「Deadmau5」「スティーブ・アオキ」「NASA」「Crookers」「Rye Rye」等のアーティストやDJとステージを共にし、パフォーマンスを展開してきました。






Text: Nico
Their collaborative performances are very unique and diverse which you can’t experience with other VJ performances. COLLABO brings a lot of excitement to the club scene collaborating with well-known DJs at the festivals including the LA’s biggest event HARD.

Please introduce yourself and tell us your recent activity.

Differs from many other VJs, we set ourselves as visual performance artists. There are 12 members in total, forming a group of professionals of programming, animations and motion graphics. Textures and graphics collaborated by members are interactive which establishes a unique style to it. In LA we keep creating expression based the video works spending days with video camera by our sides. Also we have performed with DJs and artists including Deadmau5, Steve Aoki, NASA, Crookers, Rye Rye, etc.

Could you tell us about Los Angels?

Los Angels is a stunning place to travel around to look for yourself and also the best town for a hiding place. Los Angels is a connecting city to the other countries, as there are the Little Mexico, Little China, Little Armenia, Little Tokyo, Little Ethiopia, and Compton where was faced once with a riot between Korean Americans and African Americans. LA is like a place where you reach drifting along the Pacific Coast Highway and Mulholland Drive. People here like to go fishing to the LA river where is no fish swimming, as well as like to swim in the swimming pool next to the beach. There is a taco truck at the every corner of streets. LA is a kind of sly city. In Venice there are some young people riding pist bikes at 3 am for some reason.

Please tell us your favorite places in LA.

Our favorite hide-out places are the following: LA River, even how it looks like. A cluster of graffiti at 20 Avenue. Outdoor parties. Mulholland Drive. REDCAT. 7 Grand and Canter’s Deli are the must-places. A food court at a Japanese supermarket MITSUWA is the best place to visit after an event at 3 am.

A performance group COLLABO was established by 12 members who all were graduated from the art school in UCLA, utilizing their styles of programming, animation and motion graphics.

Text: Nico
Translation: Mariko Takei

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