Untitled from the series Common Place, 2006 © Mark Rubenstein
A photographer Mark Rubenstein was born in Louisville, KY and currently lives in Los Angeles, CA. He has spent the last 6 years developing his multi-part series Common Placeマーク・ルベンステインは、ケンタッキー州ルイビル生まれで、現在ロサンゼルス在住のフォトグラファー。この6年間に渡り、「コモン・プレイス」というシリーズ
ロサンゼルスのクラブ・シーンを拠点にVJとして活動の場を広げるビジュアル・パフォーマンス・グループ「コラボ (COLLABO) 」。Based in the club scene in LA, COLLABO is a visual performance group who explores their expression as VJs. All the 12 members are graduated from the art school at UCLA.