キル・シティKill City

© Kill City
The denim industry is restless. Let’s say you are neither up for old glories nor Armani Jeans…Fortunately, there is life beyond the darkness (or perhaps within the darkness itself). In other words, there are loads of brandsデニム業界は休みなく変化し続ける。もし時代遅れの有名ブランドや、アルマーニ・ジーンズにあきあきしてしまったとしても、幸いにもそんな暗闇を照らす一筋の光がある。つまり、ファッションに精通したファッショニスタにお届けする多くのブランドがあるのだ。そういった店の一つがキル・シティだ。手袋のようにフィットし、パーフェクトに裁断されたジーンズは着心地がよく、個性的なシルエット、鮮やかなカラー、高級感、それでいて手頃な価格を備えている。
Kill City Flagship Store
住所:7266 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles
TEL:+1 323 413 2110
Text: Victor Moreno to pass for the fashion savvy consumer yet you can stumble upon Kill City. The perfect jeans must fit like a glove, requiring the perfect cut; good mood, distinctive silhouettes, vibrant colors, high-end and affordable.
Right, the L.A-based punk inspired contemporary brand was created around alternative music and it is associated sub-cultures from the past, present, and future – evoking an avant-garde and anarchist point of view. Stemming from New Wave Punk to Indie and contemporary music genres like Acid Folk and Post-Rock, Kill City provides clothing that supports these lifestyles.
Consequently, Kill City has become synonymous with fashion forward designs adding a contemporary twist. Born in the USA written with neon gleaming in the night. Jeans, t-shirts, outerwear, and cut and sew knits are at the heart of the brand with seasonal items revolving around this core group.
In addition, the brand acquires the prestige of The Original Cult, a denim manufacturer established in 1985. Kill City outgrew its initial 20-piece 2006 Men’s Spring Collection, and introduced its first Women’s line in Spring 2008. The progressive wash and dye treatments include tie-dye batik, wax and pigment dyes to create innovative finishes, which solidify the brand’s identity within this revolutionary fashion vibe.
Kill City Flagship Store
Address: 7266 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles
Opening Hours: 12:00 – 20:00 (Sunday till 18:00)
Tel: +1 323 413 2110
Text: Victor Moreno