
サブリミナル・プロジェクトSubliminal Projects

In 2008, Subliminal Projects Gallery brings forth new growth and energy to a larger and more dynamic location in Echo Park. "We are excited to contribute a series of diverse exhibitions1995年、サブリミナル・プロジェクトは芸術手段としてスケートボードを使用したアーティストの集まりを、シェパード・フェアレイとブレーズ・ブロウインがまとめる形で生み出された。徐々に広がりを見せると、NYの「アレッジド・ギャラリー」を運営していたアーロン・ローズに注目されることになる。その結果、サブリミナル・プロジェクトはスケートボード文化と芸術とをつなぐ象徴的なグループの一つとして数えられるようになり、グラフィックアート、ポップアート、写真やイラストはすべて芸術になりうるという哲学の下で、活動を続けていくことになる。今は、シェパードと彼の妻・アマンダの共同経営によって運営されている。ギャラリーはダウンタウンの北西、エコパーク近くへと居を移したが、多様なディシプリンを持つアーティストたちと芸術展や出版、イベントなどを現在も続けている。

Subliminal Projects
住所:1331 W. Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90016
時間:火〜金 13:00〜18:00(土・日曜/要予約)
TEL:+1 213 383 9299

Translation: Kazunari Hongo
, lectures, and workshops to the LA community,” stated Shepard and Amanda Fairey. "In addition to the fine art on view, we will also be offering limited print editions, books, and artist products in the gallery store." The gallery and publishing house has curated an exciting exhibition schedule reflecting their reputation as one of Los Angeles’ premiere Contemporary art galleries. Exhibiting artists with a background in a wide range of disciplines, Subliminal Projects Gallery represented artists offer challenging, unapologetic, and relevant works. Featuring international artists from street art originators, to illustration and design authorities; Subliminal Projects’ tradition of advancing artist development and influencing the art world remains a strong part of their mission. Subliminal Projects will introduce a new Artist Lecture Series in 2008 and host frequent Gallery events. “Utilizing our unique relationships among our artistic contemporaries and peers, we will become more of a source of opinions and knowledge, providing an insider’s perspective in a welcoming and educational environment for all to experience.”

Subliminal Projects was created by artists Shepard Fairey and Blaze Blouin in 1995 as an artist collective, using skateboards as a fine art medium. By expanding beyond skateboards and apparel to include fine art prints, the group began drawing the attention of Aaron Rose, curator of Alleged Gallery in New York. As a result, Subliminal Projects is one of the key groups responsible for cementing the relationship between the skateboard culture and the fine art world, working with then-unknown artists such as Phil Frost, Thomas Campbell, Mike Mills, Dave Aaron, and Mark Gonzales. Beyond just addressing the crossover between skateboard culture and the fine art world, Subliminal Projects recognizes and fosters the philosophy that graphic art, pop art, photography, and illustration are all viable fine art forms. Now co-curated and directed by Shepard and his wife, Amanda Fairey, Subliminal Projects continues to promote art exhibitions, print publishing, and events with artists of varying disciplines. The Subliminal Projects Gallery is now located in the historic neighborhood of Echo Park, just northwest of Downtown Los Angeles, where it promises to bring new talent and life to an already thriving community.

Subliminal Projects
Address: 1331 W. Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90016
Open: Tue-Fri 13:00-18:00 (Sat&Sun by appointment)
Tel: +1 213 383 9299
地址:1331 W. Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90016
电话:+1 213 383 9299


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