JKギャラリーJK Gallery

Melanie Rothschild Painting Exhibition, July 12 - August 30, 2008 © JK Gallery
JK Galleryは2007年秋にオープン。カルバーシティーアート地区のアートコミュニティでユニークで重要な位置にありJK Gallery opened its doors in fall 2007. JK Gallery is a unique and important addition to the art community in the Culver City Art District, a part of exciting Los Angeles Art Scene.、ロサンゼルスのアートシーンを刺激的なものにしている。JK Galleryは意味のある芸術の表現を行い幅広い人々が連動する場として、地元や国内外のアーティストとアートイベントの主宰をしている。
JK Gallery
住所:2632 S. La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90034
時間:火〜土 11:00〜17:00
TEL:+1 310 837 3330
The JK Gallery is dedicated to present meaningful artistic expression that engages a diverse clientele. It dedicates time to hosting and exposing local, national and international artists and art.
JK Gallery represents artists working in the medium of Painting, Photography, Sculpture and Multi-media. We feature eclectic selection of art from emerging and established local and regional artists, and exhibit works that embodies an exploration of depth and detail and provides its audience with both an enjoyable experience and art of appreciating value.
Additionally, we provide resources to our buyers and guests working within any budget regarding acquisition opportunities, shipping and installation.
JK Gallery
Address: 2632 S. La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90034
Open: Tue-Sat 11:00-17:00
Tel: +1 310 837 3330
地址:2632 S. La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90034
电话:+1 310 837 3330