
ピーコック・シアターPeacock Theatre

© Peacock Theatre

© Peacock Theatre

For the past 100 years there has almost continuously been a theatre at this spot, though as time has changed it has been used for various performances including opera, film and dance, it clearly has had a long historyこの場所には、劇場にまつわる100年もの歴史がある。オペラや映画、ダンスなど、時代によって様々な上演がこの劇場では行われてきた。「ピーコック・シアター」は、キングスウェーから少し外れたポルトガル通りにある。ロンドン・スクール・オブ・エコノミクスのキャンパスの一角にあるため少し探しにくいかもしれないが、昔風の大きなサインを見れば入り口はすぐにわかるだろう。最近になって改築され、1000席の客席と2つのバー、そして大きな舞台のある劇場になっている。この劇場の歴史は、今から100年以上も前の1911年に、オスカー・ハマースタイン(1847-1919)が32のボックス席と2000人の観客を収容できる「グランド・オペラハウス」をオープンさせたのがはじまりだ。このオペラハウスは1年も経たずに閉館してしまうが、その5年後に実力派エンターテイナー、オスワルド・ストール(1866-1942)がここを映画館として方向転換を図り、それ以降1957年に取り壊されるまでの40年間、映画に加えミュージカル・コメディ、バレエ、シェイクスピア演劇などの本拠地であり続けた。1960年に新しい建物が完成し、「ロイヤリティ・シアター」という名の新しい劇場ができてからは、より若い観客にも門戸をひらくようになる。中でも、ここで定期的に収録が行われていたテレビ番組「ディス・イズ・ユア・ライフ」の影響でテレビファンの若い世代が足を運ぶようになった。1996年に、ロンドン・スクール・オブ・エコノミクスが劇場を購入し、劇場名を「ピーコック・シアター」に改名。劇場の運営は、ロンドンでも有名なコンテンポラリーダンスの劇場「サドラーズ・ウェルズ」が担当することになった。



The Peacock Theatre
住所:Portugal Street, London WC2A 2HT
TEL:+44 (0)20 7863 8065

Text: Michael Sullivan
Translation: Sayaka Ito
. The Peacock theatre is found just off Kingsway road on Portugal street, it can be hard to spot as it is part of an office block, which itself is part of the London School of Economics campus, but a large old fashioned sign quickly guides one to the entrance. This theatre has been recently refurbished and has 1000 seats, two bars and a large stage. Originally Oscar Hammerstein (1847–1919) built in this very place a Grand Opera House with 32 boxes and enough seats for 2000 audience members, this opened in 1911, just over 100 years ago, but closed within a year. A more successful entertainer Sir Oswald Stoll (1866–1942) took over the opera house 5 years later and converted it into a cinema, over the next forty years it would also be home to musical comedies, ballet and even Shakespeare plays before being demolished in 1957. In 1960 the new building was completed which included a new theatre, the Royalty Theatre, and for over thirty years it welcomed a new generation of audiences, including a new brand of TV audience when a programme This Is Your Life was filmed here on a regular basis. In 1996 Sadler’s Wells became part of this theatre’s history, and when the London School of Economics bought the building and renamed it the Peacock theatre, it was decided that Sadler’s Wells would continue to use this venue.

The Peacock Theatre has become very famous for contemporary dance shows that Sadler’s Wells has made a commitment to showcasing, including, but not limited to, ballet, Bollywood dance, modern street dance, and even comedic martial arts. The attraction about seeing a production at this theatre is that no matter where you sit you normally have a good view of the stage and the layout of the seats and stage does bring a touch of nostalgia to mind as it is a reminder of smaller theatres from many years ago. If you are a fan of performing arts, then it really is the perfect place to go for an intimate experience in a convenient location. Future productions include ballet by the English National Ballet, Cuban dance in Ballet Revolución choreographed by Aaron Cash and Roclan Gonzalez Chavez (one of Cuba’s most talented choreographers) and Wah! Wah! Girls, a British Bollywood musical, which really highlight the multicultural nature and modern dance mix that the Peacock offers to the public. Some productions are so popular that they come back year after year; one of them is The Snowman, a beautiful story that has become ingrained in British culture over the past 30 years. It is a very imaginative tale of a small boy whose snowman magically comes to life on Christmas Eve and together they go on an adventure together perfectly blended with dance. It is estimated that hundreds of thousands of people have come to the Peacock theatre just to see this one production which is normally performed between December and January.

By hosting such amazing productions which range from magical evenings of dancing penguins to refined performances of exquisite ballet Sadler’s Wells offers a welcoming venue to performing art enthusiasts who find themselves coming again and again. Sometimes it is wondered if multiculturalism doesn’t work, the Peacock theatre loudly proclaims it does work and its mixed blend of international contemporary dance proves it.

The Peacock Theatre
Address: Portugal Street, London WC2A 2HT
Tel: +44 (0)20 7863 8065

Text: Michael Sullivan

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