

北ロンドンのホロウェイは、観光目的で訪れるロンドンとは全く表情が異なる街。イギリス唯一の女囚刑務所、その名もホロウェイ刑務所があることで有名。街のまん中を走るホロウェイ・ロード沿いで、しばし移民が違法タバコを安値でバラ売りする模様がThe area of Holloway in north London is not a prime location for tourists. Famous for the Holloway Prison (the only all-female prison in UK), the Holloway Road that runs down the middle of this town is also a haunt for immigrants selling illegal tobacco.ニュースで報道される。常に渋滞で混雑し、お世辞にもきれいとはいえない街。強いて利点をあげるならば、 バスで 10分もあればカムデン・タウンやエンジェル地区など、若者でにぎわう街にでられる交通の便の良さと、土日に出没するマーケットで安く生活用品が買えること、だろうか。しかしそんなホロウェイに最近、名所がひとつ誕生した。






London Metropolitan University Post Graduate Centre
住所:166-220 Holloway Road, London N7 8DB
TEL:+44 20 7423 0000

Text and Photos: Sari Uchida
The road is constantly heavy with traffic and the streets are lined with kebab shops and factory outlet stores. If you dare to count the merits, the buses will take you to Camden Town and the fashionable Angel area in under ten minutes and cheap households goods are on sale at the weekend markets. Recently though, Holloway has been in the news for its new and unexpected new resident…

The Graduate Centre, London Metropolitan University opened officially on 9 March 2004. It was designed by Daniel Libeskind, the world famous (originally from Germany) who carried out such projects as the Jewish Museum in Berlin, and currently working on the redevelopment on Ground Zero in New York in the aftermath of 9/11.

This building, named the ‘Orion Project’ is a structure with three intersecting blocks and the large geometrical windows provide natural light into the lecture hall, three seminar rooms, offices and cafe for the staff and students. The exterior is covered in embossed stainless steel panels. The tall buildings on both sides of this architecture gives the impression that the Graduate Center is squeezed into the space in between. The futuresque design of this building is eye-catching and you can see the blocks stretching out above the streets. However, the passersby and the traffic seem to be indifferent to this piece of art by such a renowned architect.

At the opening ceremony, the local MP praised the university’s bold decision to build a building with controversial design. “I’m exhilarated just to be here” he said. “It would have been much safer to go for a more conservative architect. But I want the British educational system to be on the cutting edge by building places that take risks.”

It is reported that Libeskind answered to an interview and gave the reason for taking on this project as ‘every building is important’ and ‘London needs good architecture’. He also said that although the building is small (net area only 700 m2) it makes a big impact and provides ‘maximum architecture with minimum means’.

The Graduate Centre is already favoured by students and teachers alike, who use it everyday for lectures and meetings.

London Metropolitan University Post Graduate Centre
Address: 166-220 Holloway Road, London N7 8DB
Tel: +44 20 7423 0000

Text and Photos: Sari Uchida
地址:166-220 Holloway Road, London N7 8DB
电话:+44 20 7423 0000

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