
ギ・ミャオGi Myao

ロンドン在住のギ・ミャオ。若干5歳にして母親の口紅と泥を使って『アート』することから、彼女の輝かしい経歴が始まった。Gi Myao based in London, she has graced us with her artwork. Having a strong art background she started out at the tender age of five with lipstick and mud.彼女のアートに対する強い情熱は、一つ一つの作品や自身が手がけるホームページを見れば一目瞭然である。またウェブサイトやプリントデザインに自身の作品を提供するなど、精力的に活動を続けている。









Gi Myao
住所:Unit 22, Chocolate Studios, 7 Shepherdess Place, London
TEL;+44 20 07748324251

Translation: Naoko Kawaguchi
With a strong passion of art, it is evident in each one of her pieces as well as the website she runs herself. Outletting her art to other sites and even creating prints of her work, she is an active artist.

Could you tell us about yourself?

When I was five, I didn’t understand the idea of what ‘drawing’ was. I used anything I can get my hands on to paint on my bedroom wall, including my mum’s lipstick and dirty mud. After that, my mum was left no choice but to take me to drawing classes. Since then, I spent twelve years in different art schools before I attended Central Saint Martins to study Ba Fashion Design with Marketing.

How did you get started with your art?

Having graduated from CSM last year, my illustrations for the final project won the ‘Nina De York Illustration Award’ in the London Institute.
I soon found out people enjoy my work as much as I enjoy the progress creating them. In one random meeting, someone form a publishing house suggested I should take this on as my career. That’s how I got started.

What are some of your interests and what do you enjoy when your not busy and not painting?

I work and live in London. Almost every Sunday, I will go to the ‘Columbia Road Flower Market‘ with my dog. There is nothing more relaxing than walking down the market on a lazy Sunday morning surrounded by beautiful flowers and happy people. I usually take home different colours of exotic orchids and a huge bunch of pink Lily’s.
In the afternoon, I would spend hours in Laduree Cafe outside Harrods with my friends.

What other artists do you like, and why?

Right now, I love old English illustrators such as Honor C Appleton and Ronald Searle.
Their works are calm, charming and relaxed; Full of sense of humour and completed with hand drawn detail. Not just a flip-though but a real drawn-in experience.

Gi Myao
Address: Unit 22, Chocolate Studios, 7 Shepherdess Place, London
Tel: +44 20 07748324251

Translation: Naoko Kawaguchi

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