クレイグ・グリーンCraig Green
Craig Green is a graduate from Central Saint Martins and was also the winner of the L’Oreal Professionnel Creative Award and has been nominated for the Design Museum’s Designer of the year 2012 awardデザイナーであるクレイグ・グリーンは、セントラル・セント・マーチンズ大学を卒業、ロレアル・プロフェッショナル・クリエイティブ・アワードを受賞し、デザインミュージアムの2012年デザイン・オブ・ザ・イヤーにノミネートされた経歴を持つ。過去12ヶ月の間に彼のコレクションは、ファッションジャーナリストだけでなく、他のファッションデザイナーたちの関心を集め、また3年間トップマンやバリーなどのブランドの共同作業を手がけてきた。 2012年ロンドン五輪では、アディダスとともにディビッド・ベッカムの靴をデザインしたロンドン出身の彼が、忙しいスケジュールの合間を縫ってロンドンについて教えてくれた。
Text: Michael Sullivan. His collections in the last 12 months have sparked interest in fashion journalists as well as other fashion designers; he is also in demand for collaborative work which in the last three years has included brands such as Topman and Bally. For the London 2012 Olympics he collaborated with Adidas to create the David Beckham shoe. A native born Londoner, he took time out of his busy schedule to tell us a bit about himself and London.
What projects have you been working on recently?
I recently finished a project with Atopos CVC and La Gaîté-Lyrique in Paris for the Monsters in Fashion exhibition which opens Feb 2013. I was commissioned to create the visual identity of the exhibit, also included in the exhibition is pieces from my BA, MA and AW13 collections.
Where do you get inspiration for your designs?
There is no particular place I get my inspiration, but a lot of the time I look to art, sculpture, performance and film to be inspired.
What are your future plans?
Hopefully I will be fortunate enough to collaborate with a few accessory brands in the coming seasons.
Could you tell us about London? What do you like about it?
I was born in London, grew up here, studied here and now I work here. I love and hate London all at the same time, but I think that’s natural.
Please tell us about your favourite places in London (to eat, shop, going out, etc).
Hayward Gallery, The London Dungeon and Hampstead Heath.
Text: Michael Sullivan