
メイド・バイ・ハンズMADE BY HANDS

ロンドンのイーストのショーディッチ地区は、つい数年前から個性的な若手デザイナーによる作品を置くショップが台頭している。そのなかでも2002年に開店し、途中店名が変わるなどして発展してきたのが「メイド・バイ・ハンズ」だ。As you walk up to the very end of Brick Lane in East London, Redchurch street cuts diagonally into it. It has its share of shady stores and galleries just as any other part of this area, but one which is definitely passers-by friendly is ‘Made by Hands.既製品には見られない手作りの良さ、それもポップやキッチュな味付けをした独創的なデザインが6デザイナーの手によって展開される。





Made by Hands
住所:117 Redchurch Street, London E2 7DL
TEL:+44 20 7613 0934

Text and Photos: Sari Uchida
Unusual and eye-catching, the window displays it has a feel of a place you have never quite seen before.

Until Sep 2003, the shop was known as Animalalien. Why change the name? Claudia says: ‘Animalalien was originally a name of the band I was in. I studied womenswear but when I left college I rebelled against fashion for a while and went hanging out with musicians and things. I carried Animalalien with my own label, which once having been for about a year, wasn’t actually the identity of what I was developing as concept of the shop. and now (as Made by Hands) it’s all coming together, more relevant to us. I am also very anti- G*P, N**T, they are all short names and Made by Hands is the opposite.’

Claudia chooses her designers from various sources – from colleagues (Rachel Cattle used to teach with her at Camberwell College of Art) to friends to those she met at a trade fair. But now a lot of people bring in their work straight to the shop and she no longer visits markets to recruit.

The shop is still developing – it is being created to represent areas inside the home, such as kitchen area (with the fridge) and the living room area (with the wallpaper.) With the development of each of the designers and the shop itself, more original and innovative ideas are bound to be in store for the future!

Made by Hands
Address: 117 Redchurch Street, London E2 7DL
Tel: +44 20 7613 0934

Text and Photos: Sari Uchida
Made by Hands
地址:117 Redchurch Street, London E2 7DL
电话:+44 20 7613 0934

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