
© Hostem
Upon the streets of Shoreditch, situated in Londons East End lies the a new and young avant garde store that fuses luxurious street brands together conceptual left field labelsロンドンのイーストエンド、ショアディッチに、ラグジュアリーでコンセプチュアルなブランドを取り扱うショップ「ホステム」が2010年にオープン。アバンギャルドなテイストのアイテムを揃えているのが特徴だ。
住所:41-43 Redchurch Street, London, E2 7DJ
TEL:+44 (0)20 7739 9733
Text: Jovan Velkoski
Translation: Mariko Takei, also known as Hostem.
The designer duo JamesPlumb have draped the store with luxurious washed out Swedish linen and restored hardwood floorboards. The rawness in the materials are visible in the decor and likewise are the items being sold. The designers in that were trusted upon decorating the store, in which the duo re-used old materials, like the lightbulb chandeliers, to create an atmosphere of history and timelessness.
Their three rooms are hosts for different types of retail experiences, the first two rooms are venues for the essential clothing including 3.1 Philip Lim, Rick Owens, Damir Doma and MA+ amongst others. Hostem’s third room plays as a host for visiting designers to stay as residence for a short term. The concept is meant to take the glimpse of less familiar fashion to the customer. The space will host the collection and collaborations of Dr Romanelli’s Prescription Shoppe. Hostem also have some amazing brand collaborations taking place in the evolving exhibition space in the store.
Since luxury is on the menu at Hostem, the products are not only meant to be exclusive but the store’s mission of having a mixing pot of luxury, street and avant garde is to have items which will last.
Adress: 41-43 Redchurch Street, London, E2 7DJ
Opening Hours: 11:00-19:00 (Sunday 12:00-17:00)
Closed on Monday
Tel: +44 (0)20 7739 9733
Text: Jovan Velkoski