
テート・ブリテンTate Britain

© Tate Britain

© Tate Britain

On a site that was for nearly a hundred years a prison there is now a beautiful large building which opened in 1897 originally as the National Gallery of British Art, but which eventually would be known as Tate Britainおよそ100年の間刑務所であった場所に、今や美しい大きな建物が立っている。元々1897年にナショナル・ギャラリー・ブリティッシュ・アートとして開館したテート・ブリテンだ。大きな白い柱と前廊をもつ、古典様式を思わせる印象的なエントランスは広く高い天井を持つこのギャラリーの部屋へと続く。隣はクロエ・ギャラリーと呼ばれ、J.M.W.ターナー(1775~1851)の作品が収められている。これら二つの建物が並ぶ場所こそ、ここ半世紀のブリティッシュ・アートを忠実に表しているのだ。

一般の画廊で様々な美術品を展示するのと同様に、多くの作品が年代によって分類され展示されている。中央のギャラリーでは15世紀から18世紀の偉大な英国美術が鑑賞でき、どの絵画も注意を払い観る価値があるものばかりである。例えば1680年のジョン・マイケル・ホワイトの「Sir Neil O’Neill」という作品には、左下の角に日本の鎧の甲冑が描かれており、大変興味をそそられる。中央のギャラリーから横にいくと、ここ100年間の偉大なアートを象徴する20世紀の絵画や彫刻を通り見ることができる。更には新しい展示物も配置されており、また違ったイギリスのアートやアーティスト、時代を学ぶことができる。


Tate Britain
住所:Millbank, London SW1P 4RG
TEL: +44 (0)20 7887 8888

Text: Michael Sullivan
Translation: Akage Kaku
. The impressive entrance, which is reminiscent of classical style with tall white pillars and a portico, leads into the extensive and high ceilinged rooms of this gallery. Next door the Clore Gallery can be found which houses the Turner collection, paintings by J.M.W. Turner who was born in 1775 and died in 1851. The combined space of these two buildings truly helps represent British art over the last half millennium.

As in any normal gallery different sections of the building house different kinds of art, in the central gallery are many paintings, grouped by time period, where the best of British art from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries can be seen. Every picture deserves at least a little attention as the detail is incredible and every scene is thought provoking, one painting by John Michael Wright of Sir Neil O’Neill from 1680 intriguingly has a Japanese suit of armour in the bottom left hand corner. On the sides leading away from the central gallery visitors can walk through the twentieth century as paintings and sculptures demonstrate the best of art during the last hundred years. In addition new exhibitions are organised to help visitors learn about different kinds of British art, artists and time periods.

There is a Gallery Store next to the Manton entrance and also the Gallery Shop near the Millbank entrance as well as an online store. Furthermore, there are cafes and a restaurant onsite. Every day there are free guided tours that cover different parts of the collections on display and it is also possible to book group and private tours. Tate Britain is surely a national treasure and deserves a lot of time; it isn’t just about art but also looking through a window into the past. We can see not just the kind of art that was made but also the people who were painted and the kinds of lives they led.

Tate Britain
Address: Millbank, London SW1P 4RG
Opening Hours: 10:00–18:00 (Friday till 22:00)
Tel: +44 (0)20 7887 8888
Free admission

Text: Michael Sullivan

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