
デザイン・ミュージアム・ロンドンDESIGN MUSEUM LONDON

「デザイン・ミュージアム・ロンドン」は、世界を代表する美術館として、イギリスのモダンデザイン、コンテンポラリー・デザインのトップの地位を確立している。1989年にThe Design Museum is a world leading museum, and the UK’s cultural champion of modern and contemporary design. Since opening in 1989 on London’s South Bank, it has gained international acclaim for a varied programme of exhibitions of design history and contemporary design innovation. ロンドンのサウスバンクにオープンして以来、デザインの歴史や現代デザインの発達に関する様々な展覧会を開き、その名を世界に知らしめてきた。2006年には、20万人もの来場者を記録し、数多くの人々がイギリス旅行の合間に展覧会に足を運んだ。

Design Museum London
住所:28 Shad Thames, London SE1 2YD
料金:大人 7 GBP/学生 4 GBP
TEL:+44 20 7403 6933

Translation: Tatsuhiko Akutsu
Over 200,000 people visited the museum in 2006 and many more visited Design Museum exhibitions as they toured throughout the UK and worldwide.

The Design Museum is the UK’s largest museum provider of design education resources, with the number of students visiting the museum rising by 90% in the past three years. Design Museum Education aims to improve the quality of teaching and learning about design and to mediate the museum’s exhibitions for a wide range of learners. Our dynamic and highly popular programme of activities includes daily workshops for school groups, continuing professional development (CPD) courses and conferences for teachers, national student design challenges and tailored activities for HE design students, as well as a vibrant programme of public events, lifelong learning and community activities.
Our children’s creativity workshops were praised by the Independent on Sunday as “innovative and sophisticated” and “a leap forward” for museums.

The Design Museum’s website receives over 200,000 visitors per month. As well as providing comprehensive information on the museum’s exhibitions and events programme the site offers an invaluable research resource on designers, design movements and technologies in the Design at the Design Museum online archive.

Design Museum London
Address: 28 Shad Thames, London SE1 2YD
Open: 10:00-17:45
Entrance Fee: Adult 7GBP / Concession 4GBP
Tel: +44 20 7403 6933
地址:28 Shad Thames, London SE1 2YD
率:成人 7 GBP/学生 4 GBP
电话:+44 20 7403 6933

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