デイビッド・ツウィルナー・ギャラリー・ロンドンDavid Zwirner Gallery London

Installation view of the 2012 solo exhibition Luc Tuymans: Allo! at David Zwirner, London. © Photo: Stephen White. Courtesy David Zwirner, London.
In 2012 one of the newest additions to the London art scene opened on Grafton Street in Mayfair, an area in central London which is known for its shops and galleries, as well as the nearby Royal Academy of Arts. David Zwirner is2012年メイフェアのグラフトン・ストリートでロンドンの新しいギャラリーがオープンした。この場所は王立芸術院から程近く、数々の有名な店やギャラリーがあることで有名だ。デイビッド・ツウィルナーはニューヨーク西19番街の有名なアートギャラリーを1993年にオープンさせ、現在は間もなく西20番街で新しいギャラリーを開く予定である。ロンドンの彼のギャラリーはタウンハウスと呼ばれる18世紀のジョージアン様式の建物で、彼のギャラリーはヨーロッパへ拡大し始めている。
David Zwirner Gallery London
住所:24 Grafton Street, London W1S 4EZ
TEL:+44 (0)20 3538 3165
Text: Mike Sullivan most well known for his art gallery in New York which opened in 1993 and is currently located in West 19th street and which is due to be joined by another gallery in West 20th street. His gallery in London marked an expansion into Europe and is located in an eighteenth century Georgian townhouse.
The building immediate stands out due to its white painted front and old style black painted door, inside there is 10,000 sq feet of space over five floors with three floors devoted to exhibition space. The inside of the building benefits from the characteristics of a Georgian building with high ceilings and large rooms, which were originally intended for entertaining or relaxing, but which on the ground floor readily lend themselves to the purpose of exhibiting art. The various floors are connected by a gorgeous curved staircase while the upper floors include much more spacious rooms for showcasing art. Like outside the inside is pleasantly decorated in white on the walls and ceilings, while the large windows have been maintained creating a very light and comfortable atmosphere.
Exhibitions tend to last around five weeks and include all kinds of art forms such as paintings, sculptures and everything in-between. The gallery states as its aims as to cover a broad spectrum of contemporary artistic practice, such as seminal Minimalist works, large-scale installation, and also time-based performances and video work, as well as to present historically-researched exhibitions and publications devoted to the work of modern and contemporary artists. This exciting new gallery benefits from the sure hand of experience gained in America combined with a beautiful space with which it has successfully already made itself well known in London.
David Zwirner Gallery London
Address: 24 Grafton Street, London W1S 4EZ
Opening Hours: 10:00 – 18:00
Closed on Sunday and Monday by Appointment
Tel: +44 (0)20 3538 3165
Text: Mike Sullivan