
コンテンポラリー・セラミック・センターContemporary Ceramics Centre

© Contemporary Ceramics Centre

© Contemporary Ceramics Centre

In November 2010 the Contemporary Ceramics Centre opened in its current venue opposite the prestigious the British Museum and in a perfect spot to show the best of British ceramic artwork2010年11月、大英博物館の向かいにリニューアルオープンしたコンテンポラリー・セラミック・センター。多くの人々が訪れる有名な通りにある、イギリスで注目の陶磁作品を見ることができるスポットだ。このオープンに際して催されたのは、センターのオープンからさかのぼる半世紀の10年ごとからそれぞれ10組づつ、50人ものアーティストを特集する展覧会。その後も定期的に新人や代表的なアーティストの作品を紹介する企画展示を続けている。ここで紹介されるアーティストは皆、スタジオセラミックの優れた作陶や創作を推進を目的とする英国陶芸家協会(CPA)のメンバーでもある。センターは、前面の大きな窓から建物の奥へと光が射し込む、とてもモダンな雰囲気。入ってすぐ右に設けられた棚には、左のスペースのテーブルにディスプレイからセレクトされた一連のアーティスト作品がまとめられている。また、エントランス近くのレセプションでは、それぞれの作品の魅力を教えてもらったり、彼らがセレクトした選りすぐりの本を手にとることもできる。



Contemporary Ceramics Centre
住所:63 Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1B 3BF
TEL:+44 (0)20 7242 9644

Text: Michael Sullivan
Translation: Ayuko Inaba
to the large numbers of visitors to this popular street. Following its reopening a special exhibition was organised to showcase work by fifty artists; ten each from each of the five decades that the gallery has been open, and since then new exhibitions have continued to be regularly organised in order to introduce new and established artists. All artists are members of the Craft Potters Association which has as one of its aims to advance and encourage the creation of fine works in studio ceramics. The centre itself has a very modern feel with a large window at the front and a very well lighted and long space inside. Just inside the entrance to the right is a long series of shelving with ceramic work grouped together by artist while immediately to the left selected pieces of work have been laid out on low tables. It is near the entrance that you can also speak to someone in reception/sales point and that you can find their book selection.

On the bookshelves there are many books depicting the work of many artists, but also about how they make their art. Furthermore, visitors can buy or subscribe to the Ceramic Review magazine which is for anyone interested in making, collecting or studying pottery. Towards the back of the Contemporary Ceramics Centre there is a reserved area for exhibitions typically lasting three to four weeks with different themes and focused on one artist’s work or the work of several artists. Everything within the centre is for sale, allowing one to start their own collection of ceramic art, however more importantly this means that any avid fan of British pottery is drawn back again and again to see the newest items on the shelves and the latest exhibitions. As part of the initiative ‘Own Art’ any buyer can apply for a loan for the express purpose of buying art and paying back the cost over ten months. Another feature of the centre is that all items have the name of the maker listed on the price so that you could also learn about the artist whose work you are buying and begin to follow their career.

By perusing the names of artists listed along the shelves you will be astounded to realise that there are so many different people creating a lot of beautiful pieces of pottery in their own unique style. A particular favourite of mine is the work of Susan O’byrne who graduated from the Edinburgh College of Art and whose ceramic animals such as birds and foxes are truly wonderful. However, as stated before there are a lot of artists represented here like the amphoras and bowls of Gabriele Koch, cups by Helen Beard or the sculptures by Antonia Salmon. No matter what you are looking for you are sure to find it here.

Contemporary Ceramics Centre
Address: 63 Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1B 3BF
Opening Hours: 10:30 – 18:00
Tel: +44 (0)20 7242 9644
Free admission

Text: Michael Sullivan

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