大英博物館The British Museum

© The British Museum
Every day Great Russell Street in London is a bustling road full of people from all walks of life, however in a city which has many busy areas full of pedestrians there is something a bit more uniqueロンドンのグレートルッセル通りは毎日人で賑わっている。通行人で溢れるエリアが多いこの町だが、ここは少し他とは違う。通りのほとんどの人間が同じ場所に向かっているのだ。ビルの並ぶ通りの反対側に印象的な建物がある。建物のサイズ、柵、そのクラシックな造りから古いお寺ではないかと考えてしまうかもしれない。沢山の観光を目的に訪れたツアー団体や、学生など、人々についていき、巨大な柱でできた正面玄関を通れば、世界で名高い大英博物館にたどり着く。
The British Museum
住所:Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG
TEL:+44 (0)20 7323 8299
Text: Michael Sullivan
Translation: Meiko Maruyama in this location and in fact most, if not all, of the people are heading to the same location. Opposite the row of buildings along one side of the road is a very impressive structure, the sheer size of the building, as well as the perimeter fence, could lead you to believe it is an ancient temple as it has been built in a classical style. However, if you follow one of the many groups of tourists, schoolchildren or smaller groups, and pass through the huge columns that make up the front entrance’s façade, you will find yourself in the world renowned British Museum.
Established in 1753, for the past 259 years it has been dedicated to the preservation of artefacts, exhibitions of ancient and contemporary cultures from around the world, as well as to staging numerous events. As can be expected as the British Museum has been established for so long it has acquired a huge collection of artefacts and just as big as it looks on the outside does mean that a long visit has to be planned. The building has been divided into sections including the Americas, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and Rome, Asia, the Middle East, Themes (such as Enlightenment, and Living and Dying), and special exhibitions.
Upon entering through the main entrance and heading straight forward you will find yourself in perhaps one of the most unique areas of the museum: the Great Court and Reading Room. This impressive area was once an open air courtyard but in the 1850s a building was constructed in its centre, the Reading Room, which was designed to house the museum’s collection of books, in the 1990s this was redeveloped by Lord Foster and the courtyard gained a glass and steel roof creating a massive enclosed space. The Reading Room has remained in the centre of the Great Court, this famous structure which has had visits from people as diverse as Karl Marx, Lenin, as well as Bram Stoker and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is open to everyone and contains over 25,000 books and regularly holds exhibitions.
As this museum has so much to see it is impossible to do justice to everything and give an in-depth overview, the number of items on display is astounding and in truth every each one of them deserves a moment of consideration. There are a number of items that do stand out however, such as the Rosetta Stone. This artefact was discovered in 1799, and although the writing is only concerning a decree by the ruler of Egypt, its extreme importance lies in the fact that it has the same decree three times in three different languages, thus allowing us to decipher the meanings of Egyptian hieroglyphs.
A related number of exhibits are the famous Egyptian mummies, some of which still lie in their cases and have not been opened since they were buried nearly 3,000 years ago. This helps to remind visitors that they are looking at human history rather than a collection of objects, people lived and died many years ago and left us their remains, hence in this part of the Egyptian exhibit people tend to talk in respectful hushed tones. There is a tangible atmosphere as the human face of the past becomes very real. Throughout the museum there are items of incredible artistry, despite living lives significantly harder than our own people have always managed to create just for the sake of creation. One exhibit shows iron models of animals made in Japan during the Meiji Restoration, these amazing creatures, such as the crayfish by Muneaki Saku, are made out of curved pieces of metal and can be moved into different positions.
A visit to the British Museum will literally keep you occupied all day and should be planned carefully; a floor plan is an essential item as well as using the website beforehand. There are often free exhibitions, for example, this year you can see the London 2012 Olympic medals and there is a special exhibition about William Shakespeare. There are also special talks, films, and also free talks by volunteer guides throughout the day. Inside the museum there are restaurants and cafes, which are really needed when you spend a whole day visiting this fascinating place.
The British Museum
Address: Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG
Opening Hours: 10:00-17:30 (Friday till 20:30)
Tel: +44 (0)20 7323 8299
Text: Michael Sullivan