ソーシャル・キッチンSocial Kitchen
Social Kitchen is a multi-purpose space opened in Kyoto in September 2010, with an aim to be functioned as a community center of the 21st centuryソーシャル・キッチンは、21世紀型公民館として機能することを目指し2010年9月に京都にオープンした多目的スペース。多様な背景を持つ人が集まり、会話し、議論し、学び、実践する場所として、音楽イベントから、環境問題に関するレクチャー、展覧会、食に関するワークショップなど、多岐の分野に渡るイベントを行っている。
Social Kitchen
Text: Mariko Takei. As a place for diverse people to gather, communicate, debate, learn and conduct, it features a wide variety of events such as music events, lectures about environmental issues, exhibitions, and food-related workshops.
Consisting of 3 floors, it opens Cafe & Bookstore on the ground floor, which is a mixed space of a bookstore called Not Pillar Books and Social Kitchen Cafe that explores possibilities of food, and practices eco-friendly approaches by focusing on the use of locally grown food and by making a system for less waste production. At the cafe you can casually enjoy their cafe menu including daily lunch plate, soup lunch plate, cakes, cookies, drinks, etc.
On the second floor, there is a space used for multi-purpose events such as lectures, debates, workshops, and exhibitions, which you can check the schedule on the website. On the third floor, there is an office shared with designers, programmers, and art groups.
Social Kitchen is run by hanare who has been managing a weekly opened community cafe since 2006. Based in Kyoto, it challenges to offer independent places to explore practical and exciting approaches about all aspects of lifestyles such as food, art, politics, economics, and architecture, with a direct communication to regional cities of the world.
Social Kitchen
Address: 699 Shokokuji-Kitamonzen-cho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto
Opening hours (Cafe): 14:00-23:00 (Closed on Monday and Tuesday)
Tel: 075-201-1430
Text: Mariko Takei