
高尚赫Koh Sanghyuk

生まれ育った京都を拠点に、京都三条ラジオカフェ同時代ギャラリーカフェアンデパンダンなどで京都のアートシーンを引率しているBased in Kyoto where he was born and raised, Koh Sanghyuk is leading the art scene in Kyoto as an art director at Dojidai Gallery、同時代ギャラリーのアートディレクター、高尚赫。京都から世界へと、古き良きものと新しいものが混在できる場を作り発信する高氏に京都についてインタビュー。


多くの在日コリアンが住んでいる京都の東九条で生まれ育ちました。井筒監督の映画「パッチギ!」の舞台にもなっているところと言えばわかりやすいでしょう。1999年〜京都市美術館を中心に開催されたアルン展 を主催したのをきっかけに、 中国の美術大学に学び、あちらで活動するアーティストを日本で紹介し展覧会をする中、京都の同時代ギャラリーとの出会いがあり、現在アートディレクターとして携わっています。京都三条ラジオカフェでは、アートをテーマにしたラジオ番組も制作しており、常に新しい世代の作家を発掘、育てるインキュベータであり続けることを目的としております。

京都について教えてください。ご自身の 生活や仕事をする上でその 街で暮らすことについてどう思いますか?



四条烏丸通り沿いに位置するCOCON KARASUMAは、複合商業施設ですが、


長い歴史と伝統に育まれた京都は、これまで多くの芸術家が輩出されています。日本画を取り扱う上では、古くからの画商や交換会などで多くの情報が行き来していますが、ひとむかし前は、コンテンポラリーアートが拡がる土壌が限られていたのではと思います。近年開催された「KYOTO ART MAP」では京都の現代美術の拡がりや発信を目的に、都市におけるギャラリーの役割を考えさせられるものであり、また、五つの美術系大学が集まる京都であるからこそ、アートシーンに置いてもより新しい想像力が抽入されるはずです。コンテンポラリーアートから伝統産業まで古くて新しいものが交差するこの地で、今後より優れたアーティストが輩出され、そこから発するアートに期待できるのでは。このような中、“内”からも企業や作家、ギャラリーや有志が集まり、官・民一体となった京都で活躍されている作家を世界へと発信できるよう京都インターナショナルアートフェアの実現へ動いています。

1999年〜 アルン展主催
2004年 中国吉林省延辺総合大学美術科卒 
and also experimenting his activity at Radio Cafe and Cafe Independants. Shift interviewed him about Kyoto where he has been trying to create and deliver mixed form of art of old and new.

Please tell us yourself and your recent activity.

I was born and raised in the area of Higashi Kujō in Kyoto where there are many Korean residents in Japan. As hosted the AREUM exhibition in Kyoto Municipal Meseum of Art and around, I started to study at the art university in China and have held exhibitions in Japan introducing artists in China. During those days, I came to know Dojidai Gallery in Kyoto where I work currently as an art director. Also, I have been making radio programs under the theme of art at Radio Cafe, for the purpose of keep being a incubator who always discovers and nurtures artists of the new generation.

Please tell us about Kyoto, and how about living in the city for yourself/activity.

Among foreign artists, there are many of them who consider Kyoto as a place presenting their art works among other cities in Japan. In Kyoto there are existing things old and new mixed together, which usually I can’t recognize. As delivering things working on art, I have realized that it is important to observe Continuity and Change, continuity in changes.

Please tell us a favourite places in Kyoto.

In COCON KARASUMA, a commercial complex located at Shijo Karasuma Street, you can find Kyoto Cinema that is a core and arty movie theater. In the late show they screen video art works created by art college students and other qualified films. At the end of Kyoto, there is Asahi Beer Oyamazaki Villa Museum. The location is great. The main building was constructed by wood in Taisho Period as a mountain villa: the new building is an art museum located in the ground. Same in here, you can see the mix of old and new things together melted with the landscape. You will feel the distinctive mood and taste in the tunnel and sloping roads that lead you to the museum.

What do you think about the art scene in Kyoto?

Nurtured by long history and the tradition, Kyoto is a city produced many artists in the past. When dealing with the Japanese paintings, there are many information exchanged with the traditional art dealers. A decade ago, however, there must be limited number of places where to expand the contemporary art scene. Held in the aim to expand the contemporary art in Kyoto in the recent year, KYOTO ART MAP questioned us the role of galleries in the urban city. There are 5 art colleges gathered in Kyoto, so more of the new creativity should be thrown into the art scene in here. In the place where intermingled old and new together from the traditional industry to the contemporary art, I expect the upcoming art scene where there are more talented artist produced. I have been working to realize Kyoto International Art Fair which delivers worldwide artists who are based in Kyoto working with the government and the public together – artists, companies, galleries, volunteers and all together, gathered from “inside”.

Koh Sanghyuk
From 1999 Koh has started hosting the AREUM exhibition.
In 2004 graduated from BFA in Art at Yanbian University located in Jilin, Chaina, he is currently an art director at Dojidai gallery.

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