LOAF (Laboratory of Art and Form)LOAF (Laboratory of Art and Form)

© LOAF (Laboratory of Art and Form)
LOAF (Laboratory of Art and Form) is a contemporary art space in Kyoto, Japan. Their mission is to present contemporary artists, introducing new perspectives on social, technological, economic and environmental issues that are in the zeitgeist and putting these in context with their creationLOAFは、2019年12月に京都に開設された、日本とヨーロッパで活躍するアートキュレーター・コレクティブによる現代美術スペース。国内外を問わず、現代という時代を背景とした絵画や彫刻から、パフォーマンス、映像、インターネット、コンセプチュアルアートまで、幅広い現代美術展を企画開催。社会、環境、政治、経済、技術、伝統と文化といった視点で、私たちが直面する日常の問題を現代美術を通して意識し、そして共に考えるアートスペースを目指している。
LOAF (Laboratory of Art and Form)
LOAF provide an environment for growth and education of both the artist and the audience, becoming a Petri dish of new ideas and international exchange, promoting curiosity and debate. They primarily focus on solo artist exhibitions within various disciplines. This includes, but is not limited to, painting, sculpture, video, installations, photography, participatory art, conceptual art and internet art.
LOAF (Laboratory of Art and Form)
Opening Hours: 12:00 – 19:00
Closed on Tuesday and Wednesday
Address: 286-13 Komeya-cho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto