
ベクソン・アーツ・京都Baexong Arts Kyoto

© Baexong Arts Kyoto

© Baexong Arts Kyoto

Yumi-song, a Korean artist who also curates and writes, launched an art space named Baexong Arts Kyoto in January 2016ベクソン・アーツ・京都は、韓国人アーティストでキュレーションや執筆も手がけるユミソンが、2016年1月に京都で設立したアートスペースだ。1938年に建てられた伝統的な和風建築の居住空間を生かしたこの施設は、客室の一角に、掛け軸や生け花を鑑賞する場所「床の間」があるほか、庭へ面した板敷きの通路である「縁側」からは、和風庭園を望みながら四季折々の美しい風景を堪能することができる。






Text: Ayumi Yakura
. This facility built in the year of 1938 has an “alcove” where hang scrolls and flowers, at the corner of guest room. And the views of the Japanese garden from the veranda makes you enjoy the beauty of the four seasons.

The South side of Kyoto where this art space located is famous for Toji, on the other hand is also the area where Koreans had rapidly influxed by the release of the end of the war of 1945. Especially around the Higashikujo region is called “Burakumin area” (discrimination region) that people seeking employment from rural, people of the Buraku and handicapped people have lived in. The population reduces after high-growth period, and now aging of the population and redevelopment of the area are progressing.

Baexong Arts Kyoto, in such the city that has changed significantly with the flow of history, was launched to aim “to make an art place where people can talk each other, while scooping up carefully discomfort accumulated in their minds without notice”.

The name of Baexong was combined surname Song of the father’s and Baek of mother’s last name. In South Korea, the couple uses separate surnames, and the child will inherit the name of the father. But Baexong is not father or mother either. Yumi-song will try to ask gender and institutional through this facility.

Then, she who says “I’ll do my best for making this space, as reputed my art works” is actively involved in the acceptance of artist-in-residence and workshops. A must-go space was added in Kyoto.

Baexong Arts Kyoto
Address: 27-3, Nakafuda Tujimachi, Higashikujo, Minamiku, Kyoto
Opening Hours: 12:00 – 19:00
Closed on Tuesday – Thursday
Tel: 050 5857 8454

Text: Ayumi Yakura
Translation: Aya Shomura

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