ジャズ喫茶 ジャムジャムJAMJAM

© jamjam
“We are basically a jazz music cafe,” explains owner Mr. Ikenoue . The Jazz&Cafe jam jam, renewed and reopened in September 2000, opened in Osaka in 1987 as a music coffee shop that relocated to Sakaemachi in Kobe that has 26 years「あくまでもうちは、ジャズ喫茶なんですよ」とオーナーの池之上さんは話す。1987年に大阪のミュージック喫茶からスタートし、神戸の栄町に移転後、阪神大震災を乗り越え26年。2000年9月ジャズ喫茶jamjamはリニューアルオープンした。
ジャズ喫茶 jamjam(ジャムジャム)
住所:神戸市中央区元町通1丁目7-2 ニューもとビル地下1F
Text: Chiaki Ogura of experience, including the Great Hanshin Earthquake.
Jazz music is played from large speakers in the illuminated cafe with comfortable sofas and wooden furniture. It stands apart from other jazz music cafes through its preference of loud music. Being able to listen hear clearly with your entire body is like being in a live show venue. The sound generator is, of course, a phonograph record. There are approximately 5000 records in total, all selected by the owner, collected after losing his records in the Great Hanshin Earthquake. Staff members who serve the visitors and place the records are music lovers like musicians and DJs.
There are many customers who visit by themselves. They are music lovers who come after work to be soaked by music. They enjoy the coffee with Masayo Chiffon Cake, an original cake made with meringue.
Mr. Ikenogami, the owner, started to get interested in music when he was a student. He listened to jazz music and loved phonograph records. Currently, his interest is not only in jazz music, but also other genres, so he started to hold an event called Sound Sports. This event started two years ago, playing non-genre music every month. DJs introduce their sound source and is an event where they can get together. The event has become a motivation for many other new events. This cafe that gathers many music lovers is not only a jazz music cafe, but also holds the music scene in Kobe.
The owner explained about the significance in continuing to do one particular thing, saying he has a dream to make jamjam, a jazz music cafe that leaves its trace in history by keeping the cafe in the same location, not expanding, and constantly filling it with excitement.
Address: B1F New Moto Bld., 1-7-2 Motomachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe
Opening Hours: 12:00-24:00
Tel: 078-331-0876
Text: Chiaki Ogura
Translation: Meiko Maruyama