オリンピア・グラエコ・エジプシャン・コーヒー店Olympia Graeco Egyptian Coffee

© Olympia Graeco Egyptian Coffee
Old Bailey Street is next to SOHO’s main street, running north-south steeply. Sounds of grinding coffee beans come from a shop on this street. This shop, Olympia Graeco Egyptian Coffee is a old-established storeSOHOのメインストリートから一本逸れて南北に伸びる、かなり傾斜のきついオールドバレーストリート。とある店の奥から、コーヒー豆を挽く音が聞こえてくる。ここ、オリンピア・グラエコ・エジプシャン・コーヒー店は老舗のコーヒー豆屋さんだ。
その歴史は古く、第二次世界大戦前の1927年に前身となる「グラエコ・エジプシャン・ストア」が開業。1984年にシュイカイ・ホーが店を引継ぎ店名に “オリンピア” を加えた。現在店頭で豆を煎っているのはその息子のエドウィン・ホーだ。過去にはマンダリン・オリエンタルやペニンシュラ等の高級ホテルとも取引があり、ベトナム戦争中には米軍向けにもコーヒー豆を卸していたという。今でも「香港一美味しいコーヒー豆」と評する人が後を絶たない。
Olympia Graeco Egyptian Coffee
住所:G/F, 24 Old Bailey Street, Central, Hong Kong
TEL:+852 2522 4653
Text: Kanae Tamase with its history starts with a predecessor “Graeco Egyptian Store” opened in 1927, before WWⅡ.
Mr. Ho has succeeded the store in 1984 and added “Olympia” to the shop name. Now his son, Mr. Edwin Ho is running the shop. Once they had 5 star hotels such as Mandarin Oriental Hotel and Peninsula hotel as their customer. As yet, people appraise Olympia Graeco Egyptian Coffee is the best coffee shop in this city.
Tiny and compact store with grind machines of 1920’s and 40’s, also 3 grind machines currently being used, and back of the counter, there’s a roasting machine that gives off great aroma of the beans all day. Not only local customers, but also people from other countries living in the city are the regular private customers. This shop is for those “who really know” about the coffee and the town.
The line-up is Regular blend, Espresso blend, Premium blend, Gold blend and Mr.Ho makes new blends occasionally. The coffee beans are from several countries such as Indonesia and Africa. “Egyptian” on the name came from the founder of predecessor who was an Egyptian from Greece, and Egypt actually does not produce cultivate coffee beans, sister of Mr.Ho told me.
The price is reasonable and they will grind coarsely or fine for you. Mr Ho with a great smile remembers you and asks you “How was the bean you bought?” once you visited the shop. Olympia Graeco Egyptian Coffee is a shop which people really wish to be there for good.
Olympia Graeco Egyptian Coffee
Address: G/F, 24 Old Bailey Street, Central, Hong Kong
Opening Hours: 10:00-19:00 (Closed on Sunday and Public Holiday)
Tel: +852 2522 4653
Text: Kanae Tamase