
ウォン・ティン・ヤンWong Tin Yan

廃材木。人はゴミだと言うかもしれないが、ウォン・ティン・ヤンならそこに自然の美しさを発見し、彼の魔法で面白い生き物たちが住む動物園に変えてしまう。Some may find junk wood useless, but Wong Tin Yan surely finds its natural beauty and turns it into a zoo of funny looking creatures with his own tricks.彼は、工業地帯から持ってきた廃材の木を使って製作を行い、キュートな動物として新しい命を吹き込む。環境に優しいアート作品は、子供だけでなく大人にも人気があり、現在では家具の製作も行っている。彼の作品を家に持ち帰って、可愛い動物たちの「飼い主」になってみてはいかがだろう?






MTR(香港最大の鉄道路線システム)とのプロジェクトですね。「MTR Mobile Exhibit Train」という名前のプロジェクトで、古い車両を改装して中で展示が出来るものに作り換えました。私の廃材の作品は、2つの車両のエンジンの真ん中にディスプレイされ、ピーク時を除いて3週間、MTRの各駅をゆっくり通過するというものです。こんな風に特別な形で自分の作品を展示出来る機会に恵まれたのをとても光栄に思います。このプロジェクトは、アート作品を展示するという意味で、非常にクリエイティブな方法だと感じました。







Wong Tin Yan
TEL:+852 9751 7157

Text: Justin Tsui
Translation: Tatsuhiko Akutsu
Wong uses the junk wood that he digs up from industrial areas and happily gives them a second life as cute cartoon animal sculptures. These large eco-friendly artworks have been well received by kids and adults alike. Wong is now making animal furniture and it’s a great chance for you to “adopt” one of his lovely animals back home.

Please tell us about yourself and your background.

I graduated from the Department of Fine Arts at Chinese University of Hong Kong and now I’m working in a young art studio as a head of branch. I’m also a part-time wood sculptor; I like collecting junk wood and using it to create cartoon animal sculptures.

According to your website, you started your first junk wood sculpture in 2000, what inspired you to start your first piece?

Actually, it was an accident. I was looking for materials to create my work for my university graduation show in 2000 and there were some renovations near my department of school, so I collected the junk wood from the site and played with it for a bit. Then I found out this is the medium that I wanted to use. The good thing with using the junk wood as art material is that I don’t need to spend any money on it and I don’t need to worry if I make any mistakes. Most importantly, I give the junk wood a second life as a new art piece. All these reasons inspired me to do my first piece and keep on making it.

You have been involved in some projects, which one do you like the most and please tell us about it?

Hm…I think it would be the one with MTR. The project is called “MTR Mobile Exhibit Train”. MTR transformed an old train into an exhibition display train. My junk wood sculptures were displayed in the middle of two train engines and the train passed through different MTR stations slowly during non-peak hours for three weeks. I feel such an honor to be the only artist having this chance to showcase my work in such a special way with trains running through different MTR stations. I think this is a very creative way to exhibit artwork.

What do you think of living in Hong Kong? Tell us about Hong Kong in your own perspectives.

I really like living in Hong Kong. I think this is a city that is full of opportunity and convenience. We have a lot of freedom to do things that we like. However, I don’t agree with most of the Hong Kong people’s values. I think they care about money and land property too much and they miss out things that are precious around them sometimes.

Please share with us your favorite place in Hong Kong and why you like the place in particular?

My favorite place in Hong Kong would be Chung Hom Kok beach near Stanley. I like sun bathing and swimming in the summer and Chung Hom Kok is the perfect beach for me to hang out with my friends, because it’s not crowded and it’s very quiet, especially on the weekdays. I’ve been going there every summer for many years now. It’s a very special place for me.

What is your future plan?

I would like to establish a company or a shop, selling some unique handmade furniture with affordable art pieces, accessories and even clothes. The mission behind this is to provide more choices for Hong Kong people’s living.

Wong Tin Yan
Tel: +852 9751 7157

Text: Justin Tsui

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