
トビー・ヤンToby Yeung

トビー・ヤンは、ハッピーなメッセージが込められたカラフルなグラフィックとキャラクターで私たちを笑顔にしてくれる。Toby Yeung keeps us smiling by creating the colorful graphics and characters with the happy messages behind them.この香港在住のデザイナーは、自らの作品を人々とのコミュニケーションの手段としてだけではなく、社会問題を解決するツールとしても使っている。作品で使われる明るい色は、何も我々の注意を引くことだけが目的ではない。彼の作品は、バンズやMINDstyleなど数々のインターナショナルブランドの目に留まり、数々の面白いコラボレーション企画を実現してきた。そして、世代で最も才能のあるデザイナーとして「40 under 40」で名誉ある賞を受賞した。


香港生まれ、香港在住のトビー・ヤンです。グラフィック、イラストレーション、キャラクター、フィギュア・デザインなど様々なスキルを使い分けながら、アーティスト、デザイナーとして活動を行っています。「CUBEMEN(グラフィック・デザイン)」、「tobyHK(フィギュア・デザイン)」、「Skullove(Tシャツデザイン)」などいくつかのブランドでの活動を通して、他のフィールドで活躍する世界中のデザイナーと多くのイベントやコラホレーションを行ってきました。また、「Get it louder」、「useagain-asia」、「CustomizeMe」 など多くのメディアで、自分自身のアートワークを発表しています。





Toby Yeung

Text: Justin Tsui
Translation: Tatsuhiko Akutsu
This Hong Kong-based designer not only uses his fun work as a way to communicate with people, but he also likes using it as a tool to bring up social issues. The bright colors he uses don’t just get our attention; they have surely caught the eyes from international brands, such as Vans, MINDstyle etc, as a result of creating a bunch of interesting collaborations and receiving an honorable award “40 Under 40” as one of the most talented individuals in this generation.

First of all, would you introduce yourself?

I’m Toby Yeung, a native Hong Kong-based artist and designer with a blend of skills in graphic, illustration, characters and figure design. Under the several brand names created, i.e. CUBEMEN (graphic design), tobyHK (figure design) and Skullove (T-shirt design), I have been actively participating in a lot of events and collaborations with designers of different fields all over the world and have my artworks published in various medias, such as Get it louder, the visual arts gallery, useagain-asia, CustomizeMe.

Have you been living in Hong Kong all your life? How do you describe this city?

Yup, I am based in Hong Kong and have always been living in Hong Kong. I think Hong Kong is a good city for creative industry and design; the city never seems to slow down and is full of energy all the time. I just love it!

Are there any special places you like in Hong Kong?

Hm…It would be Ocean Park. It’s a great place to spend with family and friends. A trip to Ocean Park was always a luxury activity when I was young, and it was the only opportunity for me to see the dolphins and seals, and to ride on the cable car. Ocean Park is still one of the places that I love to visit now. It brings back a lot of my childhood memories.

Toby Yeung
A native Hong Kong-based artist with an international sense; a designer with a blend of skills in graphic, illustration, characters and figure design; a multitasking man having a well-balanced path of design between professional and individual pursuits. Graduated from the design school, Toby started his career as a graphic designer in the advertising agencies where he developed his own philosophy in design. In order to live out his philosophy in design – to arouse public awareness of world’s social problems with design as the tool, he has his artworks and ideas published in the name of tobyHK, which has gained him worldwide attention and brought him to another level.

Text: Justin Tsui

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