

香港出身のデザイナー、シングチン・ローにより2007年に設立されたレディースアパレルブランド「プロッツ」。Established by a Hong Kong based designer Sing Chin Lo in 2007, PLOTZ is a women’s brand that is created by his simple and perfect, qualified and sophisticated design, which made my heart shake as though looking at works of art.無駄を削ぎ落とし、上質で洗練された完璧なまでの彼のデザインは、洋服というよりアートに近いものを感じ、私の心を震わせた。ポートフォリオに写る主人公達は遠くを見つめ、彼の作品に酔いしれているようにも見える。創造的で躍動感すら感じる美しい洋服達は、彼が学生の時から注目を浴び、2008年日本とパリで開かれたショールームで、多くのバイヤーとジャーナリストの注目を引きつけた。








上環エリアにある「Cloth Heaven」というギャラリーが好きです。また、香港の伝統的なカフェに行くのも好きです。

香港出身シングチン・ローにより2007年設立。香港理工大学でファッションデザイン、文化、パターン裁断、仕立てを習う。卒業制作がHKFDA (香港ファッションデザイナー協会) に入賞。新人デザイナーファッション大賞に出品するなど学生時代から多くの注目を集める若きアパレルデザイナー。PLOTZの商品はパリ、ニューヨーク、日本、香港で購入可能。詳細は「」まで。

Translation: Kazunari Hongo
The models on the portfolio look far way as they were enraptured by his creation.
Gained people’s attention since his art school times, Sing Chin’s creative, vibrant and beautiful wares showcased in Japan and Paris in 2008 received more attention by many buyers and journalists.

Could you introduce yourself?

I am SingChin Lo, hailing from Hong Kong, and hoping to sparkle in Rendes-Vou Femme. Being born and grown up in Hong Kong, I don’t consider myself as someone extraordinary. However, I have a firm believe that I have acquired strong senses in details, even minor details. It reflects my choice in university years as I started off as an engineering major. Unfortunately, mechanical network didn’t amaze me much while woven patchwork kept fascinating me. I found myself having a connection to it. So I moved on to my education but committed myself to the sophistication of styles as majoring in fashion design. Ever since, I became fully involved in fashion sector with a vision in developing and perfecting my clothing label.

Please tell us about your brand PLOTZ. How did you come up with the name, PLOTZ as the brand name?

Sure, PLOTZ has a young history as it was founded in 2007. To understand PLOTZ, an anatomical analysis is unavoidable. (Kidding!) PLOTZ is a combination of ‘plot’ and ‘z’. ‘Plot’ has several meanings but in our case it carries meanings of secret project and conspiracy. After ‘z’ completes, ‘plotz’ channels a meaning of fainting out of excitement. The two conveyed ideas truly manifest my design philosophy – A SECRET PROJECT RESULTING FROM BEYOND EXCITEMENT.

What do you think about the fashion scene in Hong Kong?

Hong Kong is extremely fast-paced and the fashion scene follows the big wheel, up in the forefront. To have a grasp in this market, I have to manipulate myself in a steroid mode. But still, I find it hard to catch up from time to time.

Please name few favorite places you usually visit in Hong Kong. Also, please tell us how you spend your spare time.

My personal favourite gallery is ”Cloth Heaven” in Sheung Wan area, and I also like hanging around in a traditional Hong Kong cafe. Believe it or not, I even spend my spare time working in my studio.

PLOTZ was established by a Hong Kong based fashion designer Sing Chin Lo in 2007. Sing Chin Lo has studied fashion, culture, pattern cutting and tailoring at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His activities includes the graduation project that was awarded by HKFDA and works entered to the New Designers Fashion Grand Prix. His past and recent works has gained people’s attention since his times in the university. Products of PLOTZ are available in Paris, New York, Japan and Hong Kong. For more info, visit

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