マイケル・ヤングMichael Young

© Michael Young Limited.
Michael Young is an internationally established product designer who was sited by Terance Conran as the “most inspiring British designer” in 1995「イギリスで最も成功しているデザイナー」の称号を与えられている、プロダクトデザイナーで、テレンス・コンラン卿に最優秀英国人デザイナーとして選ばれたこともあり、世界的に様々なジャンルで活躍しているマイケル・ヤング。大学でファニチャーとプロダクトデザインを専攻しながら、トム・ディクソンに従事した彼は、1993年に独立し、95年にはロンドンに自身のスタジオを設立。以来「Wood Chair」(1999年)、「Dog House 」(2001年)、「Yogi Family」 (2002年)など国際的に有名な家具シリーズを多く手がけ、アイスランドを経て、現在は香港で活動し、ブランディングからトータルで行うプロジェクトを多く手がけるマイケルに話を聞いた。
Text: Aya Shomura. His works span across various genres. After studying Furniture and Product Design at school, he worked at Tom Dixson‘s studio “Space”. He started working for himself in 1993 and set up his own studio MY-002 in 1995. Since then, he has brought us his famous furniture serious such as Wood Chair and Yogi Family. In 2000, he moved his studio to Iceland and now lives in Hong Kong. We asked Michael who has been involved in many branding projects.
Please tell us the reason why you decided to be a product designer.
The curiosity of making things and the unknown worlds objects opended up, nothing ever seemed to be conclusive, everything seemed to be in evolution. I became intrigued by this because I get bored easily.
You were born in UK. Why are you now moving to Hong Kong?
Asia has always been calling me, Japan first then China, I don’t know why. I settled in Hong Kong because we had a lot of projects in the region and they were exciting opportunities I wanted to take. Things work well this way.
I think one’s approach to developing a brand is similar to a consultant. How do you come to the final point in developing a brand? Could you explain the process?
Design by its nature defines brands and gives companies identity. Our office has worked for 25 years in this business so we have a lot to offer young companies. Thou we specially in design our experience in other areas is invaluable, such as communication and presenting the design to the market.
Could you please give a message to the young who want to become a designer?
Just keep working and keep faith in yourself, time passes by and you get what yo want if you keeping on going.
Please tell us your favorite restaurant, cafe and shop, or ways to spend time in Hong Kong.
Nothing stays the same on HKG, almost everything here is a moving target. I love going to ShekOu Ferry Terminal to the local places …, there is a place there.
Text: Aya Shomura