
ジェイヴィン・モJavin Mo


香港をベースに活動するデザインチーム「ミルクシェイク」の一人でもあり、ソロとしても活躍している毛灼然(ジェイヴィン・モ)Javin Mo is a graphic designer and co-founder of a design team, milkxhake, based in Hong Kong.数々のコンペティション、プロジェクトに参加し、2009年には全てのアートディレクション、レイアウトを彼が手掛けるデザインマガジンが発行される等、前衛的活動で常に新しいアイディアを見せつけてくれる彼に、今回は彼の住む香港の話を含めお話を伺った。







数々の国際的なデザインアワードに参加し2004、2006年「東京TDC賞」で金賞を受賞。2005、2007年には香港デザイナー協会主催「Hong Kong Designers Association Awards」で銀賞、銅賞を受賞。2006年にはニューヨーク・アートディレクターズ・クラブによる「ヤング・ガン5」に選ばれ「第86回ニューヨークADC展」と英国の「D&ADアワード2007」で2つの優秀な賞を受賞する。
作品は国際的なデザインマガジンで広く公表され、2008年からは3030プレスで編集者としても活躍し、中国を中心とした若手アーティストのグラフィックデザイン集「3030 New Graphic Design In China」を出版された。
Participated in a variety of competitions and projects, he has become an art director working on the design magazine layout which will be released in 2009. SHIFT had an interview with Javin asking about Hong Kong where he resides.

Please tell us yourself and your recent activity.

I graduated at the School of Communication at the Hong Kong Baptist University and have become a graphic designer since 1998. In 2004, I had a chance to join the Visual Communication Department of FABRICA, the Benetton Research and Communication Center in Italy for one-year residency. In 2005, I co-founded milkxhake with Wilson Tang as one of the most energetic design collective in Hong Kong.

Recently, I am working for a very challenging project, to redesign and art direct a local design magazine based in Guangzhou in China, which will be launched in Jan 2009. I take care all art direction and layout design for a total 200pages magazine.

Please tell us about your city, and how about living in your city for yourself/activity.

Hong Kong is a very tough place to live to be honest especially doing purely graphic design. The super high rent and small living space always hinder opportunity for young people to establish their own creative happenings. People here are not still understand the substance of design and they are quite superficial here. It is easy to become a generic graphic designer here but it is extremely difficult to do local quality works.

Please tell us a favourite places in the city you live and work in. It can be anywhere – a street corner, an art gallery, a shop, a hot-dog stand, anywhere fantastic, weird or just essential, that would be of interest to a tourist or visitor to your city. (And please tell us why you like this place in particular.)

We have lots of so-called “cool” places around here but just on superficial level. Some shops in SOHO are interesting but you couldn’t easily found small shops by local designers. For me, I really like BASHEER bookstore in Causeway Bay, a very good place selling all design books and you can flip all books at the store!

Javin Mo
Hong Kong based graphic designer and co-founder of milkxhake. In 2004 he was invited to join FABRICA, the Benetton Research and Communication Center in Italy and from 2004 to 2005 he was the art director of FAB, the FABRICA quarterly magazine. After came back from Italy in 2005, he re-initiated milkxhake with interactive designer Wilson Tang as one of the most energetic design collective in Hong Kong.
Javin’s works have been selected for numerous international design awards including the Tokyo Type Directors Club Awards (04/06) and received 1 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze in the Hong Kong Designers Association Awards (05/07). In 2006, he received the Young Guns 5 Award by the New York Art Directors Club. He also received 2 merits award at the 86th New York Art Directors Club Annual and the British D&AD Awards 2007. His works have been widely published in design magazines and journals internationally. In 2008, he edited his first title, 3030: New Graphic Design in China published by 3030 Press.

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