
IdNマガジンIdN Magazine

知っての通り、IdNは香港の、そして国際的にクリエイティブシーンをリードするマガジンだ。アジア地域とその他の地域のクリエイティブカルチャーが出会いAs we all must know, IdN is a Hong Kong’s and international leading creative magazine.、互いに刺激を与える場所を提供するという素晴らしい役割を担っているIdNチームにインタビューし、IdNが感じている香港の魅力について伺った。









IdN Magazine

Text: Mariko Takei
Shift interviewed to the team of IdN who has been taking an amazing roll to create a place where the creative culture of Asian Pacific and the other areas’ cultures meet together to get inspire each other.

Please tell us yourself and your recent activity.

We are IdN Magazine. We are a team of 12 disconnected individuals with no common interests or music preferences, but together we put together a magazine for individuals who enjoy all things that are visually creative. We are based in Wanchai and are fed up that wet markets in the area are disappearing. We are recently looking for the possibility to invite our 13th and 14th member to the team, so we are able to do more as well as to take more breaks.

Please tell us about your city, and how about living in your city for yourself/activity.

Hong Kong is a unique city, and well suited to artistic sensibilities. One would ride the Star Ferry across the harbour, a mere five-minute ride but amidst the hustle and bustle of this city that never sleeps it seems like an eternity of silence.

There is such a mixture of environments here in Hong Kong, whether it’s a concrete or an actual jungle, raving nightlife or serene hideaway, the city has it all, and therefore, we are constantly inspired by it. As for activities, to walk around the city streets and take in all that is happening is enough for me. The architectural face of Hong Kong is constantly morphing, and that provides a constant source of fascination.

Hong Kong, or Wanchai in specific, is never stationary. A living breathing organism which the people of the city must learn to co-exist with. For some, the tension and stress of the city can be too much, but many thrive on this very energy.

Please tell us a favourite places in the city you live and work in.

Although the Peak in Hong Kong doesn’t rank with Mount Fuji or Everest, it is lovable for its fresh air and ever-changing skyline.

The Peak Tram began operations in back 1888, and in a city that loves to replace the old with the new, it is amazing to still have this tram in operation. In fact, tram rides (2.00HKD) is one of the treasured reminder of what the city used to be and also to notice all that is amazing about it today.

It is ashamed that old trams are slowly being replaced with new ones, equipped with what Hong Konger loves most – Air Conditioning – which destroyed the aesthetics of tram riding.

What do you think about the art/design scene in the city?

There are many talented people working in the design scene in Hong Kong, of course, as with any competitive field, it is hard to get your voice heard, and many people are undeservedly overlooked. One of the aims of IdN, to create an outlet in which such people can have their work seen. Sometimes the difficulty is just sorting through the mass of talented artists out there, because a city as vibrant and multi-cultural as Hong Kong will always be teeming with creative types.

IdN Magazine
IdN magazine is an international publication for creative people on a mission to amplify and unify the design community in Asia-Pacific and other parts of the world. It has been an active organiser of many design-related events. It is devoted to bringing designers from around the globe together to communicate with, learn from and inspire one another. It has truly become what the initials of its title proclaim it to be: an international designers’ network.

Text: Mariko Takei

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