アリエス・シンAries Sin

Aries Sin © Courtesy to MODEMENT
Aries Sin is a founder and a designer of Hong Kong’s fashion brand “MODEMENT”, which concepts on unisex image for both genders. She loves art and vintage wear and used to deconstruct vintage clothesアリエス・シンは香港ファッションブランド「モードメント」(MODEMENT)の設立者でデザイナーでもある。同ブランドは男女向けのユニセックスイメージをコンセプトにしている。アリエスはアートとビンテージ服が大好きで、7歳の頃からビンテージ服を解体しては作り直すということをしてきたという。ファッションデザイナーとしてキャリアをスタートして以来、2013年パースペクティブによる「40-under-40」のネクスト・ジェネレーション・オブ・デザインタレント賞など、様々な賞や奨学金を授与されてきた。彼女のコレクションのほとんどが、ハイブリッドされた都市景観からローカルなフードストアまで、多面的な香港の文化に影響を受けている。彼女がどういう視点で香港という街を見ているか伺った。
2008年に香港専業教育学院(IVE)でファッションデザインとプロダクトデベロップメントの上級学位を取得しました。それ以前から既にファッションデザインにのめり込んでいて、セクターを超えた奨学金や賞を授与されていました。ペクレール・パリ等の海外でのインターンシップをオファーしてくれるものもありましたね。また2013年、パースペクティブによる40-under-40ののネクスト・ジェネレーション・オブ・デザインタレント賞を頂きました。私が作るユニセックスなイメージのコレクションはミリアム・ヨン、キャンディ・ロー、 デニス・ホー、アンディ・ホイ、エンディ・チョウ、エレン・ロー等の香港アーティストに愛されてきました。2010年に香港のハイクオリティな服とデザインサービスを提供するというビジョンをもってモード・クリエーション社を設立しました。モットーは100%メイドイン香港。ハイファッションのモードメントと、オートクチュールのモードメント・クチュールのふたつのブランドラインがあり、どちらも香港の社会的企業によって製造されています。
MODEMENT (Flat 130B, 1/F, Innocentre, 72 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon)
Blogger Republic (3/F, 11 Lan Fong Road, Causeway Bay)
Daydream Nation Circus Shop (2/F, Hong Kong Art Centre, 2 Habour Road, Wan Chai)
D3 Gallery (Shop 7005-09, 7013-15, 7/F, Apple Mall, Dragon Centre, Sham Shui Po)
Novelty Lane (Online)
Text: Kanae Tamase and rebuild them since seven. Since she started her career as a fashion designer, she has been chosen for many prizes and scholarships including the Next Generation of Design Talent – 40 under 40 by Perspective in 2013. Most of her collection is strongly influenced by the multi-faceted culture of Hong Kong, ranging from hybridized city landscape to vernacular food stores. So here’s how she view the city of Hong Kong.
Please introduce yourself.
Before I earned my Higher Diploma of Fashion Design and Product Development from the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) in 2008, I was already a fashion design enthusiast recognized by the sector over a number of scholarships and awards. Some of which had offered me valuable overseas internship such as Peclers Paris. In 2013, I was awarded by Perspective as the Next Generation of Design Talent – 40 under 40. Over the years, my unique unisex collections have been the favorites of local artists such as Miriam Yeung, Candy Lo, Denise Ho, Andy Hui, Endy Chow and Ellen Loo.
I founded Mode Creation Limited in 2010 with the vision to provide high quality fashion products and design services in Hong Kong. Embracing the motto of “100% Design from Hong Kong”, I has been carrying two labels namely MODEMENT (high fashion) and MODEMENT COUTURE (luxury couture), which are both manufactured in Hong Kong by social enterprises.
Is there anything you found interesting in city recently?
I observed that the people in Hong Kong is working without souls during the day time. But when the night comes, the souls comeback to the shell. Maybe that is one of the reason why Hong Kong is called“the Pearl of the Orient”.
What is it like living and doing your own business in Hong Kong?
Working in Hong Kong is stressful but excited. And we are lucky to work in the field we love, fashion design. It was tough when we first launch our brand, but we enjoyed the time and learnt a lot. Even now, we keep our energy and passion to explore. Everyday is a new game!
What do you think about fashion scene in Hong Kong these days?
We feel bright on the future on Hong Kong’s fashion industry. The Hong Kong Government put a lot of afford to provide opportunities for upcoming designers. For example, as a Young Designer Contest finalist, we were invited by HKTDC to meet buyers at Hong Kong Fashion Week. Also, we have a pleasure to join the “Design September” in Brussels with the help of Government organization. We hope the Government can keep supporting us in the future.
Please tell us your favorite place in Hong Kong, any recommendation for the people who visit Hong Kong?
Lascar Row in Sheung Wan is my favorite place. Lascar Row is crowded of antique shops, artwork shops and shops selling old toys, postcard and home electronics, it is the best place for me to treasure hunt old fashioned items.
People may stop by Lascar Row to see some old Hong Kong style of living!
Where can we find your clothes in Hong Kong?
MODEMENT (Flat 130B, 1/F, Innocentre, 72 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon)
Blogger Republic (3/F, 11 Lan Fong Road, Causeway Bay)
Daydream Nation Circus Shop (2/F, Hong Kong Art Centre, 2 Habour Road, Wan Chai)
D3 Gallery (Shop 7005-09, 7013-15, 7/F, Apple Mall, Dragon Centre, Sham Shui Po)
Novelty Lane (Online)
Text: Kanae Tamase