ペダー・レッド・フラグシップストアPedder Red Flagship Store
「若々しく、躍動感があって創造的」というのが、ファッション界のリーダーブランド、ペダー・レッドから受ける印象。香港に初上陸したフラグシップストア“Young, hip and innovative” are the impression that I get from the fashion-forward brands, Pedder Red. Its first flagship store now landed in Hong Kong and located in Wellington Street at Centraは、セントラルのウェリントンストリートに居を構え、おしゃれに敏感な若者にとっての人気スポットになっている。
例えばイギリスのブランド「スピットファイアー」。ビンテージ感を醸し出すサングラスが、ファッション通の間で人気のアイテムだ。オーストラリアのブランド「UGG」は、迷彩柄のフリースラインのブーツやソフトなレースウールがシーズンを通して人気。また、冬物の衣裳部屋を充実させるには、パリの「N2」がうってつけである。「パックマン」のネックレスや「Game Over」ブローチなど、手作りで奇抜な作品が並ぶ。かの有名な「ドクターマーチン」の世界中で100足しか製造されていない「Make your own Dr.Martens」という限定版モデルも、ペダー・レッドは今シーズン10足投入。最後に、ウェリントン限定版のポーチ、トーツ、バレリーナシューズも一見の価値があり、このフラッグシップストアでの独占商品だ。
Pedder Red Flagship Store
64-66 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong
+852 2118 3712
Text and photos: Justin Tsui
Translation: Kazunari Hongo
l, which has become a popular spot for the trendy kids.
The new flagship store is modern and sophisticated at the same time. The well-known architectural firm, Neri & Hu Design Research Office (NHDRO) designed this space with a unique concept, which revolves around one bold insertion – the stained-oak wooden box that stands vertically through two stories of the store. This structure creates a strong visual identity and dominates the boutique with wooden weaving. Various punched openings in the box surface expose a red world inside, which filled with fashionable shoes.
Fashionista will be drowned in the wide range special collections in the flagship store. Besides the signature Pedder Red’s line, the store carries some cutting-edge brands and exciting names in the world.
Brands like Spitfire from Britain, for example. Its vintage-inspired eyewear is a popular choice amongst the fashion savvy. Australian brand UGG’s signature fleece-lined boot with camouflage print and softer ruched wool are also the hot item for the season. To complete the winter wardrobe, N2 from Paris would be a good choice. The hand-made quirky line includes Pac-Man necklaces and “Game Over” pin. The famous Dr. Martens is now having this limited style called “Make your own Dr. Martens”, which only produces 100 pairs worldwide and Pedder Red carries 10 of them this season. Lastly, the Wellington Limited Edition pouches, totes and ballerinas are something you would like to take a look of and they are exclusive in the flagship store.
From the space to the products, Pedder Red flagship store showcases the brand’s love affair with all things fashionable. In addition, Pedder Red now has 16 stores throughout Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai, Beijing, Jakarta and Kuala Lumpus. As the business keeps on growing, it is obvious to see people do love the flavor of this trendy chain store.
Pedder Red Flagship Store
64-66 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong
+852 2118 3712
Text and photos: Justin Tsui
电话:+852 2118 3712