マッキー・スタディーMackie Study

© Mackie Study
阿麦书房自2004年3月开业起,致力打造创意文化生活,于铜锣湾恩平道上的二楼书店,成为爱书及爱音乐人的聚脚点,甚至是内地及台湾文艺青年的朝圣地。最初的阿麦书房还有自家冲制咖啡及芝士蛋糕Some believe Hong Kong is a “Cultural Desert” where art and cultural events are not part of the city life. It is not easy to find a bookstore like Mackie Study香港はアートと文化が生活に浸透していない「文化の砂漠」だという考えがある。マッキー・スタディーのように、書籍や音楽、映画を扱う文化的な書店を街で見つけるのは困難だ。そのため地元の文化愛好家たちの間でここは最高の場所として有名なのである。
Mackie Study
住所: G/F, 9 Caroline Hill Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
TEL:+852 2808 0351
Text: Justin Tsui
Translation: Shiori Saito, which is a cultural place containing books, music and films. Thus, Mackie Study has become a fabulous place for all the local cultural lovers to hang around.
The name of Mackie Study was come from the main character “Mackie” in Bertolt Brecht’s “Three Penny Opera”. James, who is the owner of the bookshop, has been putting much effort on promoting art and culture in Hong Kong.
James started Mackie Study in March 2004; he not only introduces cultural books from the mainstream and from the alternative market, James takes the reading experience to the next level by organizing talks and courses related to cultural and art, holding mini concert and film discussion, providing consignation of second-hand books and selling alternative music from China, Taiwan and overseas in the bookstore.
The Mackie Study’s owner aims to use this little space to promote culture. In addition, Mackie Study is a place for people to share life, music, writing and film together.
Different kind of books and magazines related to cultural study and art can be found easily in Mackie Study. James also selects some good books and magazines from China and Taiwan; it provides a great opportunity for the readers to get in touch with the creations from these two places. For the music, mini concerts are frequently held in the bookstore. Thus, alternative music lovers could have a chance to gather at the Mackie and share their thoughts about music. Alternative music from Japan and Taiwan also is a selling point of the Mackie.
Once you walk into this cute little bookstore, arty atmosphere is filled in the air. Mackie Study is definitely a “not-to-be-missed” bookshop for all the bookworms in Hong Kong.
Mackie Study
Address: G/F, 9 Caroline Hill Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Open: 12:00-22:00 (Sunday till 21:00)
Tel: +852 2808 0301
Text: Justin Tsui,还会在不足四百呎的小小空间内进行各式各样活动– 包括不插电音乐会、电影欣赏会、座谈会、展览、戏剧演出等。后来,随著书目及音乐种类越来越多,以致越见细小的空间实在不能让观众舒适的喝咖啡及参与活动,因此把咖啡部分暂时搁下,并将活动移到书房以外的空间。阿麦书房别馆则于2006 年进驻香港艺术中心,为多元的艺术中心增添更多阅读气氛。
阿麦书房总是充满着无限可能性,在小小的书房内已发生过无数令人意想不到的有趣事件,有了 Mackie Kitchen 这个新空间,必定会有更多活动在此发生!小型音乐会、画展、座谈会…未来的活动空间到底有多「有机」,让我们拭目以待吧!
Mackie Study
开放时间:12:00-22:00 (星期日至21:00)
电话:+852 2808 0301