
リーマン・モーピン・ギャラリー香港Lehmann Maupin Gallery Hong Kong

© Lehmann Maupin Gallery

Courtesy to TERESITA FERNÁNDEZ and Lehmann Maupin, New York and Hong Kong.

Lehmann Maupin Gallery was founded by partners Rachel Lehmann and David Maupin in 1996, SOHO, NY. It moved to Chelsea in 2002 and opened its second space in Lower East Side, Manhattan in the late 2007リーマン・モーピン・ギャラリーはレイチェル・リーマンとデイビッド・モーピンによって1996年ニューヨークのソーホーに共同設立された。2002年、ギャラリーはチェルシーに移動し、さらに2007年、新たに二つ目のギャラリースペースをマンハッタンのローアーイーストサイドに開設した。





Lehmann Maupin Gallery Hong Kong
住所:407 Pedder Building, 12 Pedder Street, Central, Hong Kong
TEL: 852-2530-0025

Text: Kanae Tamase

In March 2013, Hong Kong- it opened the international first exhibition space, launched on historical Pedder building. The space was renovated by Pritzker prize winning architect, Rem Koolhaals and his firm OMA.

Since its establishment, Lehmann Maupin Gallery has curated and hosted massive numbers of exhibition for the world’s most important contemporary artists and emerging talents with their painting, sculpture, photography, video, as well as supporting works in a new and challenging form of art.

Lehmann Maupin has long made a commitment to presenting those celebrated and significant artists including Tracey Emin, Anya Gallaccio, Gilbert & George, and etc now extends to Asian artists in Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Mainland China.

The founders said “We have conducted business in Asia well for over a decade. The gallery is deeply committed to the region and to the vital relationships we have established with artists, curators and collectors. For us, it was a natural decision to open a gallery in Hong Kong, one that will allow us to continue to strengthen and build upon these relationships and to offer more localized support to our artists.”

Lehmann Maupin Gallery Hong Kong
Address: 407 Pedder Building, 12 Pedder Street, Central, Hong Kong
Opening hours: 10:00 -19:00 (Saturday from 11:00)
Closed on Sunday, Monday
Tel: 852-2530-0025

Text: Kanae Tamase

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