アバブ・セカンド・ギャラリーAbove Second Gallery

POW WOW “WHAM BAM THANK YOU M’AM!!!” exhibition © Above Second Gallery
Established by May Wong and Jasper Wong in February 2010, Above Second is an artist-run gallery showcasing art works influenced by subculture; including illustration, graphic design, graffiti, manga, pop cultureメイ・ウォンとジャスパー・ウォンによって2010年2月に設立されたアバブ・セカンドは イラストレーション、グラフィックデザイン、グラフィティ、マンガ、ポップカルチャー、ストリートアート等、サブカルチャーに影響を受けた作家を取り扱うアーティスト運営のギャラリーであり、新しいコンテンポラリーアートのムーブメントを促進する制作スペースでもある。
Above Second Gallery
住所:31 Eastern Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
TEL:+852 3483 7950
Text: Yuka Nakamura (ARI) and street art, as well as a studio space to foster the new contemporary art movement.
Above Second is aware of the fact that there will be a continuous development of Hong Kong’s contemporary art as well as the need for diversity. It also aims to challenge and to nurture the understanding of subculture by taking advantage of the gallery’s network of both local and international artists, and to attract the Hong Kong community by showing unconventional original works.
Featuring artists whose works are usually found on the streets, Above Second transforms white walls to creative installation by bringing the creative energy indoors. To provide something stepping across a line, the gallery actively collaborates with artists not only in Hong Kong, but also in Australia, Denmark, Italy, the US, UK, Mexico, China and Japan. For their residency program, the gallery provides space for visiting artists without any limitations.
Above Second Gallery
Address: 31 Eastern Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 3483 7950
Text: Yuka Nakamura (ARI)
Translation: Maiko TakeiAbove Second Gallery
地址:31 Eastern Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
电话:+852 3483 7950